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  • in reply to: Vibrating Foam Rollers #77165
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. I don’t think it adds real significant benefits beyond normal consistent work.

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Squat Mobility Warm Ups #77164
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Butt winking, especially if you can squat fairly deep, is typically a motor control issue. Your breathing and bracing strategy my not be ideal and you may be trying to squat deeper than you need to with weight. Look back at the episodes Kaitlin suggested and take a look at your stance and depth. The human body, at the very end ranges of a squat, is meant to have a butt wink for pooping. If you are squatting with a bar (front, back, overhead, etc) you only need to break parallel so don’t chase depth you don’t have control over.

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Mobility work and Varicose Veins #77163
    AvatarTom Matchinsky


    I can not say for sure one way or the other but it is likely not worth the risk. My only suggestion would maybe find the softest thing you can possibly use and just tread lightly and see how you respond. If you want to be on the safe safe side, just work the immediate surrounding areas that are not affected and do your best.
    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Left hip restriction – knee to chest #77162
    AvatarTom Matchinsky


    You can use the 10 day free trial on the mwod website if you are not a subscriber and search for hip flexion and hip rotation videos. Also make sure you have good alignment of the pelvis when you are bringing the knee to chest and you are not over arching your lower back which can make the hip feel like it won’t move as far and give a pinching pain in the front.
    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Back tweaks. Recovery and future prevention #77147
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    After you decide to see someone (if you do) not training is the wrong answer. You have to continue to do something. You have to fill your training with as much movement (and some load) as you can that is not aggravating. Start doing things like hollow holds and dead bugs and look up the McGill 3. If your training up until this point has pretty much been sagittal (barbell work) you have to mix in training in the other planes. Some kind of non-aggravating rotational work and carries (sleds, sandbags, yokes) need to be a routine part of your training along with some single leg stance work. Doing nothing is not the answer, you have to find what you can do and do it.

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Lower Back pain After Snatches #77146
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    This is likely a set up and technique related issue. These kinds of issues tend to happen in people who pull with a flexed spine and then fixate the bar overhead while they back is in over extension. There can be a lot that leads to this but start with making sure you understand how to brace your spine from the beginning and keep it in a good position the whole time. This probably means going back to squats and overhead squats and looking at how you do them. Then you can go see whats happening at the shoulders and upper back and hips and ankles. The snatch requires a tremendous amount of skill, mobility, and motor control. Many people do them because that is what the gym says to do when they should really be modifying the movement.

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Baseball Program #77145
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Take a look at what Eric Cressy does and look up Brett Jones if you are in the Pittsburgh area. He is an excellent ATC and strength coach. Eric has worked with more major league pitchers than you can shake a stick at and he has a passion for reaching back and helping the younger kids avoid the pitfalls he currently sees.

    MWOD Staff 
    in reply to: Bulging disc lower back #77144
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Continue with what you are doing, especially the things that you are finding helpful. You also need to look at your training and find things that you can do that you can progressively overload that don’t aggravate the situation. You have to figure out what you can do and work there as hard as you can and let your body reduce the sensitivity to the situation. Some of the big ones for this are any of the trunk work on the site, use as light a ball as you need, and making sure you get movement into the hips without aggravating your back. Thinks like deep goblet squats and sled work can be great here. 

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Maltracking patellar? #77135
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Heavy KB swings. Heavy sled drags and sled pushes. Slow and controlled tempo box squats to just at or just below parallel and only move through a range that allows you to keep your foot arched up, your ankle stacked over your foot and your knees in line with your feet and they don’t collapse in. If you have hypermobility you need to disregard activities that make you move super fast for now and focus on tempo and control until you feel more stable. 

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Squatting with cerebral palsy in achilles tendons #77134
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Don’t worry about getting more dorsiflexion. Given the mechanism of the problem, you likely aren’t going to gain much. It is best to do your squatting with load to a box that allows you to keep your heels down (even if it is above parallel, doesn’t really matter anyway) and load up things like deadlifts and heavy carries and sled work to improve leg strength, even subbing split squats is a good alternative. Don’t get caught up thinking you have to squat below parallel with a bar on your back to achieve your personal fitness goals.

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: scar tissue and adhesions #77133
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Those are nebulus terms that don’t really mean much. The shoulder impingement is a by product of you not loading your shoulder properly and engaging the muscles the right way. It is mostly painful and restricted because your nervous system isn’t allowing you to move the shoulder into certain ranges because it gets a pain response and there is fear associated with certain moves at the level of your brain. You have to find ways to move the arm and strengthen it that are non painful and reduce the threat level your nervous system is interpreting and go from there. Start with things like arm bars, floor presses, partial get ups and hangs.

    MWOD Staff
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    Avoid the injections. See someone who understands training and also has a certification in KBs and can teach you real arm bars and turkish get ups and presses. There is likely some reworking of how you are using your shoulder that is not being addressed that you could spend time on and work it out. Particularly learning to use your lats and teres major and create better rotator cuff activity through grip, traction and compression (farmers carries and the arm bars, get ups, crawls, etc..)

    in reply to: Voodoo Floss – latex allergy #77126
    AvatarTom Matchinsky


    Sorry for such a long wait in response. You can still get a good effect over clothing.
    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: Steroid injection for bursitis #77125
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    While an injection may cause a decrease in the pain symptoms (no guarantees) it doesn’t really solve any of the problems that are leading to you inflaming your bursa. Make sure you have a plan to correct whatever issue is causing the problem.

    MWOD Staff
    in reply to: joint pain in new crossfitter #77122
    AvatarTom Matchinsky

    I second what Kaitlin says. Go find a provider to work with you on developing a solid plan to ease you into training. Look at the MWOD list on our site.

    MWOD Staff
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