Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Back tweaks. Recovery and future prevention

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    • #71860
      AvatarJohn Gomo

      Hi Mwod,

      I was picking up a 25 kg plate poorly braced the other day, and felt a sharp pain in what I believe is my SI joint. I rested a few days before attempting a warm up squat at which point it happened again. Up until this point I was making good strength gains. I’ve been lifting for a number of years and would consider myself to be intermediate level.

      This isn’t my first back tweak, although it has been ~2 years since the last time.

      My questions are: what should my recovery look like, how will I know when it’s safe to lift again, and what areas should I focus on to help prevent recurrences?



    • #77136
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      I recommend seeing someone to determine exactly what is going on.
      Knowing this will lead to answers to your questions.

    • #77147
      AvatarTom Matchinsky

      After you decide to see someone (if you do) not training is the wrong answer. You have to continue to do something. You have to fill your training with as much movement (and some load) as you can that is not aggravating. Start doing things like hollow holds and dead bugs and look up the McGill 3. If your training up until this point has pretty much been sagittal (barbell work) you have to mix in training in the other planes. Some kind of non-aggravating rotational work and carries (sleds, sandbags, yokes) need to be a routine part of your training along with some single leg stance work. Doing nothing is not the answer, you have to find what you can do and do it.

      MWOD Staff
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