Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Left hip restriction – knee to chest

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    • #71872
      AvatarDuncan Barrow

      I was wondering if you can recommend some mwod videos that would help mobilize my knee to the chest movement.

      When I pull my knee to the chest, only on the left side I feel tightness and even a little pain in my hip flexor area way before I complete full range of motion although I am able to. When I walk normally I also have pain/tightness in that area.

      I did not yet consult with a specialist and I am going to, but I am sure that mobilizing it will help.

      Thank you for all your good work,


    • #77161
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      If you sit for long periods of time the hip flexors shorten and can be tight.
      A couple to start with.

      14-Day Mobility Challenge | 7 Green Lights | Day 8

      Episode 144: Ze Hip Flexion

    • #77162
      AvatarTom Matchinsky


      You can use the 10 day free trial on the mwod website if you are not a subscriber and search for hip flexion and hip rotation videos. Also make sure you have good alignment of the pelvis when you are bringing the knee to chest and you are not over arching your lower back which can make the hip feel like it won’t move as far and give a pinching pain in the front.
      MWOD Staff
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