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  • in reply to: Shoulder pops/clicks during external rotation? #72381
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Not that I can remember. My left shoulder has always been loose it feels like. Maybe the end of my humerus is slightly too small for the socket or something. I feel a little bit of resistance in my shoulder during external rotation and then it makes a popping sound and goes through the remaining ROM. I’m going to research and see if I can find anything about this that other people have encountered.

    in reply to: Golfers elbow #72337
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Putting the opposite knee on your forearm and smashing it is definitely effective but does not feel good at all. Voodoo bands are also the one thing that specifically helps with my golfer/tennis elbow even though I don’t play either of those sports it’s mostly from ring pullups and KB swings. I would imagine my forearms become quit crappy after lots of deadlift as well. Anything grip intensive honestly.

    in reply to: Knee and lower leg issue #72336
    AvatarJames Elwin

    My peroneals have been giving me fits due to calf tightness. Where does your pain originate in regards to the peroneals? If you know the general area you can figure out what peroneal might be giving you trouble. My peroneus longus has been acting up due to tight calf muscles and the pain can be felt right below the lateral side of the knee. Other peroneus muscles can cause lateral ankle pain, behind the tibia, outer side of the foot etc.

    in reply to: Lack of Ext. rotation in hip? #72335
    AvatarJames Elwin

    It basically comes down to soft tissue restriction but I’m thinking about going to a physio just to see what limitations I have as far as internal rotation, external rotation, extension, which muscles need to be strengthened or are inhibited etc.

    The thing that upsets me is the fact that my orthopedic surgeon couldn’t believe that I was having pain even after my bone was completely healed. Duh! This would be due to the fact that my hip and leg musculature atrophied for 4 months from lack of weight bearing. Even after physical therapy my knee still has trouble during extension when I’m going up or down stairs or general eccentric/concentric movements. The only dilemma is I’m not sure if my insurance will cover an appointment with a physio so the only thing I can do is call….so I have to call.

    Sorry for being long-winded it’s just very frustrating!

    in reply to: Lack of Ext. rotation in hip? #72319
    AvatarJames Elwin

    I have a feeling my movement patterns aren’t too compromised but my leg lacks the muscular strength to carry out what my brain is telling it to do. Oh well at least I’m still relatively young better late than never.

    in reply to: quick question about the knee. #72314
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Where exactly does the pain originate and does your knee collapse inward during the pistol squat? My left leg collapses inward slightly when doing pistols above bodyweight.

    in reply to: Lack of Ext. rotation in hip? #72313
    AvatarJames Elwin

    I will ask around and see if I can borrow one or maybe my friends can video me squatting at their gym. Seeing what’s going on especially from a posterior point-of-view will be extremely helpful since I know that my left hip wiggles in the bottom position. Almost 9 years later and this femur injury is still causing problems! A trip to the physio may become a necessity.

    in reply to: Knee and lower leg issue #72312
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Hmmm…..maybe your knee experienced a little too much shear from parkour. I know whenever I do a lot of box jumps or running, especially downhill, that can wreck your quadriceps. Also, the popliteus*(sp) is a muscle on the back side of the knee that is important in extension and the upper head of the gastrocnemius can become irritated as well. Watch this video and see if any of that helps I know that when my calves get tight the shins have to pick up the slack and this causes all sorts of problems ranging from knee pain to borderline compartment syndrome(extremely painful and overrated imo).

    Let me know if you need any other links I’m wondering what your knee pain is originating from! The lacrosse ball wedged between the fibula/upper gastroc and hamstring can really help loosen up all that junky tissue. Just make sure you don’t hit a nerve!

    in reply to: Tight Shins #72311
    AvatarJames Elwin

    See if that helps. If not I can provide you with links to more videos 🙂

    in reply to: Knee and lower leg issue #72300
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Sounds like a case of patellar tendonitis. When my adductors and VMO on the inside of the quad get tight it can cause pain on the inside of the knee and around the ACL which is something you should be careful with. Try rolling out your adductors and your entire quad as well as this video as you might be missing some extension of the knee joint. Your ankles could also be tight which is affecting how your knee tracks and further up the chain.

    in reply to: Lack of Ext. rotation in hip? #72289
    AvatarJames Elwin

    I don’t have a smart phone…

    in reply to: Lack of Ext. rotation in hip? #72274
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Okay I will do that. Now….to find a video camera. Thank you, Kaitlin.

    in reply to: Crossfit Pains — HELP! #72263
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Poor glute activation can cause lack of external rotation because the glutes are external stabilizers to a degree. This leads to valgus knee(knee collapses inward) which means your feet might be pointed outward and your knee is also not tracking properly over your ankles. I would hit your quads, keep hitting your TFL(mine definitely gets tight), work on your glute activation, use a lacrosse ball on your glutes, hit up your IT band, stretch the hell out of your hip flexors (couch stretch) and when you say 12g of fish oil how much combined EPA/DHA are you getting? 1-3 grams is optimal so 3g for your bodyweight would also be optimal. It should say on the bottle.

    If air squats are bothering your knee then take it easy! Weighted squats will surely add to your dilemma and overhead squats require a high degree of mobility so only do stuff you are comfortable with and work your way up. My overhead squats in particular are limited by my extremely tight upper back/thoracic spine and lack of external rotation in my shoulders. So to recap:
    Work on quads, hip flexors, glutes, glute activation and any area upstream and downstream.

    A knee problem can be caused by the hip or ankles and vice versa for all those systems. If you have any other questions I will do my best to help you out!

    in reply to: Think I might have torn my psoas… #72167
    AvatarJames Elwin

    I feel a lot of tearing in my “grundle region” if I squeeze my rumble roller between my legs or if I’m doing dynamic stretches over a hurdle or a lowered Oly bar. Always feel better afterward which means my groin and adductors were probably just tight and stiff. Also the psoas connects to the lumbar spine so a tight psoas can cause lower back pain from lack of hip flexion.
    Hence why my lower back hates me after deadlift or box jumps.

    in reply to: Tight in right hip at bottom of squat #72113
    AvatarJames Elwin

    Try all the musculature on the outside portion of the hip as well as the “glutes”, “quadratus lumborum” and hip flexor wad. Also, when my “hip flexor” is tight on the left side I find my quad literally running into my hip flexor during the bottom portion of my squat. Look up videos with the above keywords and see if that helps you.

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