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    • #70317
      AvatarDaniel Moore

      Kind of new here… I have pain on the medial epicodyle, it inflames primarily during pull-ups and bench press.  It will also wake me up in the middle of the night.  I’ve watched a couple videos and voodoo flossing and that seems to help very temporarily.  It started back when I was doing crossfit (burpess/muscle-ups) but then went away temporarily once I started using a brace on my lower forearm.  I’m an amateur bodybuilder so CF is on the side burner but since I am benching more the inflammation has returned.

      Any other videos? suggestions?

      Mike P.

    • #72330

      The change is temporary in the beginning because you are setting new positions and may be using some muscles for the first time related to the new positioning. It takes a little time to unlearn a habit and establish a new habit/develop a new neuropathway for the change position. As you work with the position more you will see improvements with holding the changes.
      You may experience it at night because you are completely relaxed.
      It went away temporarily because the brace was a temporary fix for what was causing the issue.
      Without addressing the cause the another symptom will come up.
      Have you watched:
      Pro Episode #11 Bench Set Up Q and A w/ Laura Phelps- Sweatt Pro User Request
      Pressing Mechanics and The Knee Pushup Up Disaster/Froning and Bailey Edition
      Banish Your Elbow Bench, Dip, Pull Up Pain, You Don’t Really Play Golf or Tennis Do You?
      Burpee Smoked Elbows? Epicondylitis-ness? Voodoo it.
      Better Benching and Pressing
      Episode 81: Benching Global (Extension)

    • #72337
      AvatarJames Elwin

      Putting the opposite knee on your forearm and smashing it is definitely effective but does not feel good at all. Voodoo bands are also the one thing that specifically helps with my golfer/tennis elbow even though I don’t play either of those sports it’s mostly from ring pullups and KB swings. I would imagine my forearms become quit crappy after lots of deadlift as well. Anything grip intensive honestly.

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