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  • AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Hey Alec,

    What have you done as far as targeting that area with some good ole smashing? Check out Kelly’s post from two days again. It’s a good one!!!


    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    I just tried creating a new post and had to hit the same button to type in the body of the discussion. I know the site is optimized for Mac’s because that’s what everyone there uses. I’m a computer guy so I notice those things.

    in reply to: Hip Impingement #76255
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Check out Kelly’s Daily Video from the 7th of December. He puts it very simply. If you want to improve flexion (Squatting) distract to the back of the socket. If you want to improve extension ( jumping ) distract to the front of the socket. I had not thought about it that way before. Let me know what you think of that video.

    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    What browser are you using? Try clicking the right most button under the Leave a Comment Section. That should un-grey the typing area.

    in reply to: Hip Impingement #76251
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    And for the back of the hip.

    in reply to: Hip Impingement #76250
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    found that one real quick.

    in reply to: Hip Impingement #76249
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Mine is all in the front of the hip. This have been a come and go issue for me for sometime now. I get the best response and the most relief after I have spent a good amount of time in the couch stretch and the pre-squat routine. I can definitely say that once I am warmed up the issue goes away. For instance this morning’s WOD was 25 Front squats – 2000 meter row – 25 front squats, the first 25 FS were pretty sticky even with OLY shoes on. Finally about 1000 meters in things started getting better. The last 25 FS’s were much better as to the way my hip felt. My performance in that workout is another story. I got owned!!!!

    I have another idea that should help. I will find the link and get it up here. Personally I think you will benefit from using the stretch bands and distraction. That is idea the video is centered around. Basically a lunge position with the band pulling your back leg toward the anchor location.


    in reply to: Newbie Ankle Mobility #76248
    AvatarJustin LaRoche


    Can I jump into this as well?


    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Test , Re-test with the this favorite of mine.

    Keep a spot focused in front of you when you are squatting, where you look is where your chest will follow. It’s funny to think about but it’s totally true.

    Let’s start there and see how that makes a difference. I’m positive it will.


    in reply to: Hip Impingement #76245
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Hey Whit,

    I had not heard of that before but, after checking it out I’m basically getting that it is Supple Leopard on DVD focused on the hips. Which is a wonderful idea, if Kelly and team came out with a DVD series on the different areas I think it would be very popular. Keep hunting for what triggers that area for you. Let’s keep this message going and see if we can get some progress going.


    in reply to: Hip Impingement #76242
    AvatarJustin LaRoche


    I believe I am in the same boat as you. For me it’s my right hip, and the pain is at its highest in a full depth squat. I strongly believe that using the couch stretch and modifications of it will help you. Look up a few of those videos and let me know how the before and after goes. And try the gut smash as well. What’s your first name?

    Stay supple,


    in reply to: Squat Help #76188
    AvatarJustin LaRoche


    Your not alone! Luckily, a lot of us have been in your shoes. Number one place to start IMO, is to work on your air squat. Get into that position of restriction and WORK! Work to keep your feet straight as possible, work to keep your chest UP as much as possible, work to keep your big toe planted and work to keep shoving your knee’s out! If you can, perform this in front of a mirror so you can see what’s improving.

    By looking up your chest will have a better tendency to stay more vertical and the opposite holds true as well. Where you look determines where your chest will go.

    I should mention, there is no simple cure to this. You need to find what works for you and put in 10-15 minutes of work everyday! Couch stretch at work… I do… sure people look at me weird for standing all day but, let’s be honest who’s crazy…. me ( standing all day ) vs my co-workers ( sitting all day )?

    A personal go-to for me is below. Go to youtube and type in MobilityWod Pre-squat. Or just click this link that I am putting below. The pre-squat routine is something I try to do EVERYDAY that and couch stretch.

    If you need to work on dorsiflexion, find Kelly & Roop’s video with the 100lb slam ball. No, I don’t have one of them but, I have a sand bag ( 70lbs ) and a barbell that perform that same principle. Or work on one ankle with a heavy-ish kettlebell. You can find a video on the Crossfit Invictus site.

    Now, quit reading and get moving! Send some feedback and let’s keep bouncing around ideas.

    Stay supple my friend,

    Derek ( STL, MO )

    in reply to: Frequent trap/neck pull #73995
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Just trying to be helpful Steve but, I really think this one may be out of your hands. It was for me. Don’t be like me and have to sit on the sidelines for 2 weeks! 

    in reply to: Frequent trap/neck pull #73988
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    Had my follow up with the ART specialist today. We definitely found the knot that was on my rhomboid. The ART started to laugh when he dug into it. It is a nasty one that hopefully will loosen up with some work to it. But the good news is we have definitely narrowed down the problem. 

    By standing up against a wall with a lacrosse ball in the in the problem area.  Extend your arm completey out against the wall, bring your arm all the way across your body as you press into the ball. This will move the scapula out of the way and allow you to get to that meaty area. Try it and let me know what you think. 
    in reply to: which foam roller? #73971
    AvatarJustin LaRoche

    I highly suggest The Grid roller. You can do a lot with and its very easy to pack and take with you. 

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