Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Targeting the Infraspinatus. How? (forum won’t allow me to type in body of topic for some reason)

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    • #71512
      AvatarDeven Williams


    • #76253
      AvatarDeven Williams

      Strange, it will allow me to reply in the body but not the original post….

      I believe we’ve identified the source of the pain that I get down my upper arm when I do any pushing/pressing movement. My left infraspinatus is a nasty/painful trigger pointed train wreck.

      Any mobility work that will really target that area and what would be the up stream/down stream areas to address?

      I’m currently “enjoying” laying on a lacrosse ball and flossing by moving my left arm.

      (Don’t ask me why it’s repeated below, that’s way beyond my current pay grade to understand.)

    • #76254
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      What browser are you using? Try clicking the right most button under the Leave a Comment Section. That should un-grey the typing area.

    • #76256
      AvatarDeven Williams

      The only way I can post in the body is to click the far right icon “show rich text.” All the other go dark.

      Running Mac/Yosemite

    • #76257
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      I just tried creating a new post and had to hit the same button to type in the body of the discussion. I know the site is optimized for Mac’s because that’s what everyone there uses. I’m a computer guy so I notice those things.

    • #76258
      AvatarDeven Williams

      We just can’t use the other 22 formatting options……..

      Thanks for your help though.

      Now about infraspinatus…………? Anyone?

    • #76259
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      Hey Alec,

      What have you done as far as targeting that area with some good ole smashing? Check out Kelly’s post from two days again. It’s a good one!!!


    • #76261

      I click the same icon before being able to type.
      Have you used a ball softer than a lacrosse ball?
      Yoga Tune Up ball for example?
      With an inflamed area a lacrosse ball may be too hard and your tissue doesn’t actually relax to absorb the work you are doing.
      Are there any soft tissue providers at your gym or area?

    • #76266
      AvatarDeven Williams

      Thanks for the input.

      I’m using a YTB. I was getting an ART treatment but now they’ve going on vacation till almost New Years. In any event, I’ve been working on it (PT/ART/massage/home mobility) for a month+ now with little resolution.

    • #76274

      Working on things and not seeing improvement you are hitting where the situation originates.
      Have you watched the MWod episode about not seeing change?
      Are you working up/down stream of the problem?

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