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  • in reply to: Super Frog… Is this the pain I’m looking for? #72875
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    Danny, I have BASL on my iphone so those pages don’t line up… What section? Are we talking the banded hip distraction? that’s my best guess.

    in reply to: My squat. Vids included. #72874
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    Took some videos before performing the Case Study 2 mobs and after. After is way better… I can slightly see a wink in maybe 40% of my squats. I think if I keep up with it as a daily mob then I’ll be squatting again in no time. 

    I will say once I cleaned that up my ankle restriction became the largest limiting factor. My right foot has the amazing ability to always turn out. That foot could probably be loaded with 200lbs in the opposite direction and it would still turn out :/
    in reply to: My squat. Vids included. #72842
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    …and one more thing. Can someone please maybe explain or share a cue for the “Drive hamstrings back” to initiate the squat; I find it confusing as I have no way of “feeling” if I’m doing it (If I’m suppose to feel tension/stretch in my hammies, I do not get that at all). I was originally taught with the cue drive your butt back, and from reading BASL this could be my issue as well.

    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    I find it hard to believe you were squatting wider with “terrible adductor flexibility”.  How certain are you that you were tracking your knees over your feet? you sure you weren’t just thinking you were, meanwhile you’re caved in? video in this case would help

    in reply to: Reoccurring SI Joint Problem #72470
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    question, because I used to have this issue (maybe not as bad) and my chiro would consistently be fixing it. Do you butt wink when squatting?

    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    You sound identical to me. If I go wider I eliminate the Butt wink but narrower it comes back. Same type of pain associated with the tilt too. That being said… Butt wink is NEVER good (not obvious?). It’s always a tell of some problem. For me its tight hips and hamstrings coupled with god aweful ankle mobility.

    A note on Ankle mobility…do you squat with Oly shoes? I do to pick up the slack of my bad ankles until my mobility improves. I’ve noticed while using the shoes I can eliminate my butt wink to a far greater depth than if I don’t. It’s not 100% but I can get my hips below knees.
    As for the hips, if you know that’s your problem hammer it daily…maybe even twice a day if it’s that bad. Also don’t discount your adductors; I did for a long time and it turns out its my worst goat, not even my hips.
    also, Do you butt wink while air squatting ?
    in reply to: Mobility Before or After? #72436
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    I thought he said if you need it do it. For example if I don’t Mob my hips/adductors before squatting my squat sucks and I potentially risk injury. If you need to to make sure you’re lifting in a good position I see no reason why you shouldn’t do it first.

    in reply to: Rotator Cuff tweak #72435
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    Thanks for all that info Jeanette. My shoulder is doing alot better. I still feels really junky nearing end range but I can press a bar right now with no pain.

     I’m kind of experiencing a different pain now in the front of my shoulder. I’m going to find it hard to explain, but its a very dull consistent pain in the hollow spot between my pec and shoulder just under my collar bone. I’ve thrown a lacross ball around the frontal area of the chest that Kstar always mentions that will help better shoulder function, but nothing. 
    in reply to: Rotator Cuff tweak #72383
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    Brenley, When you say use a band to reset the shoulder position do you mean the same mob that can be used with a dumbbell or KB laying down?

    Kaitlin, I did not apply heat to the shoulder, I thought this was worse than icing?
    I did see immediate change with the mobility that I was using when I first noticed the injury. However, now I can barely put my shoulder in a good position for any mob work other then the barbell smash; albeit under pain since the muscle is very sensitive right now.
    in reply to: Rotator Cuff tweak #72373
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    …and back to square one. Played catcher last night in ball to limit my throwing. Apparently just throwing the ball back to the pitcher was enough to make my rotator hate me again. Can barely move it this morning so I decided to ice it for a bit.

    in reply to: Rotator Cuff tweak #72372
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    Within the first 48hrs I just let it rest after my initial mobility work. From there I continued to do mobility work daily. From watching those videos it sounds like I’m at the point where I should re-introduce load but with a very light weight. That was probably my mistake. Once I started to feel better mid week I went straight for 70% of my 1RM max. That most likely set me back a few days.

    in reply to: Super Frog… Is this the pain I’m looking for? #72362
    John CarriereJohn Carriere

    I have started addressing my ankle. My left ankle can take the mobs pretty easily but working with my right is a whole other monster. I sometimes find it hard to get in a good position to effect change; it’s just that bad. 

    The last ankle link you posted “Case study: Tight Ankles = Bad Squatting” is now my go to mob for the right ankle, but even with that one its extremely hard to stop my foot from kicking out once I push my knee out. I normally just squat around a 25lb bumper to ensure my heel is locked in and my foot doesn’t turn out.
    As for the Adductors, yesterday I tried moving my feet closer to my body rather then farther away, that helped significantly. 
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