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  • AvatarTina Mitaine

    I noticed one mobility problem, when i go sit in a squat and try to push my knees out my feet go to the outer portion of my feet (inside goes up a little). How could i increase my mobility to fix this?

    AvatarTina Mitaine

    I currently follow a modified version of the texas method but not with the lineair progression since i had/have all these injurys.

    I do some preventive/balancing excercises like back extension (bodyweight), face pulls and ab work without loading my hips to much. For ab work is most of the times do standing ab crunches (bands), side bends and sit ups on a physio ball against the wall. 
    in reply to: Neverending injurys #76924
    AvatarTina Mitaine

    Thanks for the awnser!

    I think i will need to go to a doctor then anyway. When i asked my physical therapist she said it couldn’t be a disk injury because i could bend all the way to my toes (this is already 1,5 month ago or so). But my pain is always different, the one time i can’t even bend my back slightly and the other time i have no pain at all. 
    Most of the times the pain will come a day or couple of hours after i have used my lower back. Like when i work i need to lift boxes and after that i most of the times would have the lower back pain again. Also after squatting or deadlifting it would come back, last week i could do front squats 2 times and after the pain came back again.
    So i should just go to a doctor to get an x-ray scan done instead of asking my physical therapist if it is a disk injury or not?
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