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  • in reply to: SI joint and Muscle problem #75972
    AvatarSteven Meis

    I have been dealing with some SI issues. I found that Jill Millers Alpha Ball was very helpful. It is not as aggressive as a lax ball or even the supernova or novito. I use the glute smash and floss, the high glute, and the QL mobilizations  pretty much everyday. Also if you are tight in the front of the hip that could cause SI joint pain. So couch stretch often especially after long bouts of sitting.  Jill Millers book The Role Model also has an awesome low back sequence that I found very effective as well. Hope that can help you out a bit.

    in reply to: Full Body Diagnostic with Back squat #75482
    AvatarSteven Meis

    Daniel I think your totally overthinking everything. Your squat looks pretty good. My advice would be just stay consistent with whatever program your using and enjoy the process. Training should be fun and enjoyable.

    in reply to: Valgus right knee when squatting with load #75409
    AvatarSteven Meis

    Thanks for all the feedback. Christian I will definitely look into the postural restoration information. I recently incorporated single leg work into my routine trying to correct any muscular imbalances. I have been very conscious of keeping my feet straighter but I noticed my right foot tends to turn out once squatting. Not sure if this is due to ankle mobility or lack of internal rotation in the hip. I have always had the problem of getting to low and losing tension at the bottom. I can get away with it when the weight is light to moderate but get exposed under heavy load.After my crossfit coach looked at my video he pointed out my weight is shifting forward onto my toes. My heel stays down but definitely shifting forward. I’ m focusing on getting back to basics. Really sitting back on my heels and pushing the knees out. Getting stronger was a big goal of mine but I need to back a step back and focus on mechanics. Thanks again for all the feedback.

    Travis I’m going to try to attend the mobility cert your giving 2/21 in Stony Brook NY. Hoping to have the day free so I can go

    in reply to: Valgus right knee when squatting with load #75335
    AvatarSteven Meis

    Thanks guys I will definetly focus on the motor control and see how it works out.

    in reply to: Valgus right knee when squatting with load #75329
    AvatarSteven Meis

    Thank you for your feed back. My stance is about shoulder with apart. I get real low on my squat and have had problems maintaining tension at the bottom.

    in reply to: Valgus right knee when squatting with load #75327
    AvatarSteven Meis

    It usually starts when I hit around 85 to 90 percent of my 1rm for multiple reps. Under no load or light load everything looks good.

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