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  • in reply to: Recommendation for Minimal Shoes #73395
    AvatarJames Roebker

    I have Inov8 f-lite 230 for Crossfit, Saucony 4mm drop for trail running and Merrell minimalist for everyday. The Inov8 and Saucony don’t really have a wide toe box but still fit my foot just fine. The Merrell does have a wider toe box and my toes do have more room but I don’t run in these though so I can’t say for sure if they would be a good running choice. I love the Merrells for everyday though. I hear really good things about Altra’s too. They have a wide toe box and seem to be good all around for Crossfit and running. If you are trying to find something comparable to your NB then I would go with Merrell or Altra, IMO. 

    in reply to: Can we get some Episodes on proper warm-ups? #73198
    AvatarJames Roebker

    Yes Jorge, you are not the only one that would like to see some videos on warms ups.I would love to hear MobilityWod’s take on the best types of warm-ups, duration, intensity, etc for general wods. My line of thinking is similar to Brian MacKenzie’s in the video. I try to warm-up, perform targeted mobility, perform reps and skill work of the movement you are going to perform, then perform the wod, cool down with targeted mobility. Where I always question myself is the duration, type and intensity of the warm up. 

    AvatarJames Roebker

    Following along these lines, is there a point of pushing your knees out too much? I am quite flexible and able to push my knees out and keep my shins vertical for a long time. But I do worry that I am pushing my knees out to far thereby losing some torque or potentially causing knee issues. Is the consensus that you should push your knees out as far as mobility/flexibility will allow? 

    AvatarJames Roebker

    Maybe by trying to answer #2 it will answer #1 for you. Before all this I would Reread BASL. It really is explained so well IMO.

    To initiate a squat from a standing neutral position I always try to follow this set up order.

    1. Squeeze butt 
    2. Tighten abs & pull ribcage down 
    3. Screw feet into ground- which naturally pushes knees out and slightly bends my knees. 
    4. Extend arms out and put hands together in front of face, putting shoulders into good position 
    5. Start to squat by simultaneously reaching your butt and hamstrings back and down to the floor. Maintain lumbar position.
    6. Once you are on the way down your knees will naturally start to bend once your hips/pelvis start to run into your femurs. 
    7. Keep forcing knees out and screwing into the ground with feet as you descend. 
    8. Keep Shins as vertical as possible for as long as possible. 
    9. Descend into squat 
    10. Ascend out of squat is opposite. Rinse and repeat.
    I have skipped some of the other subtleties but this is a good starting point IMHO> Hope it helps a bit.
    Cues that help are Arch>Heels>Depth>Knees out>Head up> Hands Up>
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