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  • in reply to: Down regulation virtual session? #151600
    AvatarJohn Brooks

    Hi Michael,
    I’m not sure if this is the right place for this comment (and I couldn’t find anything directly on the down regulation class itself) but I wanted to let you know I’m getting a lot out of the class. I dont show for the live sessions but have been working my way through the videos. I dont know if I’m all alone in this but I’ve hit a bit of a “motivation wall” in my training. I suspect I’m not alone and I also suspect there are some that are working their way through this better or more effectively than me. That said, feeling undermotivated and not really enthusiastic about throwing my leg over the bike or spending an hour alone doing trx, I’m really happy to have this available to me. While I understand this is different than spending 10h/week on the bike, that I’m “detraining” and this isnt “goal achieving behavior” in the sense my more typical stuff is, but I’m grateful to you guys. In the vein of “do something”, this is making a difference for me. Makes me feel like I’m a little bit physically focused so I can maintain some connection to my body, focus a bit on mobility, learn a whole bunch of things I might not prioritize the time to learn in other times . . .

    I expect I’ll get my act together again in a few days. I think we’re all carrying a bunch of stress we don’t typically carry that’s, likely, related to having to do all our stuff differently. Like all our stuff. Having something that’s non-threatening, doesn’t strike me as a “soul crushing effort”, approachable, and intimately physically connected is really helpful for me. And, while I’m not as daily compliant with this either as I’d like to be, I am grateful to you guys so wanted to say “thank you.”

    in reply to: Mobility Starter #136845
    AvatarJohn Brooks

    I’ve got essentially the same challenge. I’ve been a subscriber for 6 months or so, have the leopard book, and have invested some time with trs (honestly only once or twice a week.) About 4 months ago, I made up a little assessment grid, took the leopard book to the gym, and spent a couple hours trying to do a bit of a self assessment. I just watched the assessment video and thought it was great. My issue then and now is “ok, what do I do next?”. A couple things would be helpful to me in terms of getting more out of the fantastic material you guys offer.
    1) Something online where, for each assessment, there would be 3 or 4 questions & a simple rating (1-4 maybe.) Then I could go back in a month or do, re run the assessment and see how much movement there had been.
    2) Maybe something more prescriptive about what to do next. I get this is hard without doing an actual diagnostic session. But I think a “if you had trouble with xyz in this archetype, look at these mods”. For example, I do the pistol and I can’t keep my heel down. I dont expect you know conclusively. Is it a hip issue? Is it an ankle issue? Is it both? Is it “yes AND . . .”?

    I think a little more help with assessing myself and then a little more specific guidance about where to start exploring would really help me. I do find there’s a lot of very helpful material here. I just get a little overwhelmed by it and worry I’ll spend a lot of time because things are interesting but not make progress in the areas that are likely causing me issues.

    I will say that I was experiencing frozen shoulder. When it was near it’s peak at about 7 months, I used a number of the mods I learned here and that brought me a bunch of relief (and better sleep!) As it has progressed thru and is improving, the motions I’m choosing are changing and that continues to help me with range challenges I’m still working hard to resolve. So, I’m a believer. Drank the cool aid.

    I spend 10 hours/week or so on the bike and think there’s likely a lot here to make that more productive and helpful.

    Im posting this in the forum because I’m hopeful other folks have worked their way through similar challenges and can get me pointed in the right direction without waiting for the site to change to meet my specific desires! 🙂

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