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  • in reply to: Terminal Knee Extension Questions #74554
    AvatarJeff Parker

    I had zero terminal knee extension when I began this journey, too…what I’ve learned so far is that the years of damage I have done to myself takes longer than anticipated to work these things out

    What works best for me is the couch stretch and the samson stretch with banded distraction. Those two exercises, specifically, have helped immensely and have given me terminal knee extension where I had none
    I also had (unbeknownst to me) quad adhesions that weren’t allowing my quads to stretch to full capacity that were also keeping things too tight…once they popped themselves loose, I had more range of motion
    I spend about 4 minutes per side in the samson stretch really squeezing my glute and pressing my hip forward and 4-6 minutes per side in the couch stretch doing the same on a daily basis. Making my hip flexors, quads and hamstrings more mobile has really taken the stress off of my knees and lower back. Good luck to you! 
    in reply to: POP during couch stretch…your thoughts? #74475
    AvatarJeff Parker

    Good deal…I just scared me a little at first since I’d never heard anything like that coming from deep within my muscle. 

    Sadly, I had never done any real mobility work until I found this site 6ish months ago…so I’m overcoming quite a few obstacles along the way. 
    in reply to: POP during couch stretch…your thoughts? #74471
    AvatarJeff Parker

    It hurts my heart that no one wants to play with me 🙁

    in reply to: Rogue Bar Help #74411
    AvatarJeff Parker

    That bar will easily last a lifetime – spend the extra $40 and get something new…just because. 

    I have the Ohio bar and it’s amazing. I have lifted some serious weight in my day and I’ve never personally used a better bar. Are the more expensive bars better? Probably. But with that said, I have zero complaints about this bar and will buy another at some point so I can more quickly roll through workouts (for multiple lifts) without having to change weights so often…
    Just buy it. Money well spent, for certain. 
    in reply to: Calf pain #72883
    AvatarJeff Parker

    Just to chime in – I’ve just recently begun working a laboratory analyst position that requires steel toed safety shoes. I ended up getting (I’d had them in the past, too) a pair of Carolina logger boots that hurt my calves – specifically the soleus just below the gastroc and lateral gastroc head – like I’d never felt pain before. 

    I ended up switching to a Keen steel toed shoe that does NOT have a high(er) heel and the pain has literally disappeared overnight.
    I know all of this may seem like common sense info – but I had no clue that the shoes I wore could impact me so much outside of work. As the night ended, the pain would actually grow MORE when I changed into street shoes…absolutely terrible. All of this made no sense to me initially since I’m in good shape by any standards and I didn’t think my shoes could be so brutal! 
    Thankfully, new shoes = no pain. Hopefully you’ll find some sense of relief if you switch footwear, too. Good luck! 
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