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  • in reply to: Sharp Random Elbow Pain #76020
    AvatarBrian Waiser

    Thanks for the post.

    When I do pushups I primarily have hands aligned with shoulders, hands straight (so not turned in our out), and I go chest to ground. Whats wierd is when I hold on to parallettes or Kettlebells it doesn’t hurt. Makes me think it has something to do with wrist flexion (no pain in wrists though).
    I have been doing acupuncture, ultrasound, massage, and some resistance bands which seem to give me progress in the right direction. The pain is not there without doing things. I can do more pushups without pain now after not doing them for a while, but I am sort of nervous to do more because of a possible flare up, and it just feels like something is still there.
    I just started stretching and doing ART for the scalenes and when I hit pressure points I feel it shooting into my arm around the elbow. Not pain, but just a referral pattern of some irritation or something. Could be tight scalenes causing the whole pile.
    Thanks again for the response.
    in reply to: SO MANY KNEE PAIN THREADS #76010
    AvatarBrian Waiser

    Had a sartorius issue causing medial knee pain once. Too much rugby, squats, and sprints for the ol’ knees. Try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees and your knees slightly bent. Keep quad smashing and stretching the junk out of  it. Also, go get in a hot tub and take a break from PRs for a bit. Keep moving.

    If you have never heard of lymphatic system drainage exercises, try it a few times a week while you getting rid of this stubborn injury. Lymph drainage helps any waste in your body leave, and keeps the good stuff visiting the sight. It will speed up the healing provided you are taking care of the injury. Circulation man! No ice, no stagnation, no NSAID’s.
    P.S. – I have had incredible success with acupuncture. I had a back strain from deadlifts, got rid of it in three weeks with acupuncture and manual rehab. I would also consider getting some insoles for your shoes if you are doing box jumps and other high impact stuff. Knees can only take so much.
    Good Luck man
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