Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Knee SO MANY KNEE PAIN THREADS

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    • #71368

      and heres another one! 

      heres a little bit of a background on my training experience and previous injuries;
      – tear in quad tendon end of 2013 – early 2014 (left knee)
      – hamstring strain mid 2014 healed up damn quick 
      – knees continue to feel junky after lots of use (kinda seems obvious and a bit well… duh) 
      – do a lot of weightlifting and crossfit 5 days a week
      – on 24g of fish oils to keep unnecessary inflammation down
      The dilemma:
      just on the end part of an intense squat cycle song with lots of weightlifting and crossfit. On the left knee above the patella is what my coach said could be tendonitis and my physio says it could be tendon thickening, an irritation from a lot of use, all of this said and noting really sticks honestly not satisfied with their “diagnosis”.  
      It doesn’t feel like I’ve re-torn it, because its not really pain more ‘just there’ and annoying, when I voodoo floss it, couch mob and quad smash it it feels sweet, and when its fed good mechanics. but when i wake up it feels stiff and heres that word ‘junky’.
      if anyone with some experience please help me on this one it would be appreciated! 
      thanks heaps.
    • #76010
      AvatarBrian Waiser

      Had a sartorius issue causing medial knee pain once. Too much rugby, squats, and sprints for the ol’ knees. Try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees and your knees slightly bent. Keep quad smashing and stretching the junk out of  it. Also, go get in a hot tub and take a break from PRs for a bit. Keep moving.

      If you have never heard of lymphatic system drainage exercises, try it a few times a week while you getting rid of this stubborn injury. Lymph drainage helps any waste in your body leave, and keeps the good stuff visiting the sight. It will speed up the healing provided you are taking care of the injury. Circulation man! No ice, no stagnation, no NSAID’s.
      P.S. – I have had incredible success with acupuncture. I had a back strain from deadlifts, got rid of it in three weeks with acupuncture and manual rehab. I would also consider getting some insoles for your shoes if you are doing box jumps and other high impact stuff. Knees can only take so much.
      Good Luck man
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