We’re not going to sugarcoat it: Plantar fasciitis sucks. If you’re reading this article, you already know that Plantar fasciitis is the king of pesky, interfering, and downright unruly foot pain. It’s so aggravating that for most people, identification is made immediately after onset.
Often when plantar fasciitis occurs, we’re not sure how to deal with it. The feet are one of the most used aspects of the body. With plantar fasciitis, you’re bound to experience pain from the beginning of the day to the end. Foot injuries are thereby especially heinous for no simpler reason than how difficult it is to give our feet a break.
Thankfully there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I’ll show you how to get rid of plantar fasciitis fast. These simple techniques can take you from pain-ful to pain-free in as little as 7 days.
But before we find you the right plantar fasciitis cure in one week, let’s first delve deeper into this foot condition.
What is Plantar Fasciitis and How Does It Happen?
Plantar Fasciitis is a pain in the foot, often located at the insertion of the plantar fascia. It’s commonly experienced either at the metatarsal heads (balls of the foot) or back at the heel.
The plantar fascia connecting these points doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s part of a system that gives the foot dynamic structure. Lines of fascia run from the hamstring up the back of the leg and are contiguous with the plantar fascia. If I’m having pain in the plantar fascia, this is the starting point of a tissue that connects to the upper part of the body.
How Does Plantar Fasciitis Happen?
Plantar fasciitis occurs when large loads are placed on the plantar fascia. This is always in conjunction with stiffness or lack of range of motion anywhere in the connective tissue system.
Let’s say I’m missing ankle flexion and I attempt to apply a big load to my foot structure and then move. Torsion forces will create restrictions within my tissues from my toes to my ankle.
This essentially winds the fascia against bone and can create discomfort or stiffness. Restoring motion at the big toe, and at the ankle, can unload the plantar fascia and help relieve discomfort and pain.
In the next and remaining sections of this article, we’re going to go over some tools to cure plantar fasciitis fast. We’ll do this by addressing the range of motion in the structures near the plantar and the tissues upstream.
How To Heal Plantar Fasciitis Quickly: Desensitize, Restore, and Prevent
The feet take on so much load over the course of our lives, yet receive so little attention. I’m glad to say that plantar fasciitis can be relieved quickly in many cases.
When it comes to doing so, we really want to work on 3 things: Desensitization, Restoration, and Prevention. These are the tenants of the majority of our pain protocols. Treating Plantar fasciitis is no different.
In the full plantar protocol, we use 18 techniques to improve and ideally, eliminate plantar fasciitis, and if your condition has been chronic, severe, and pesky, I strongly recommend perusing the full program. Don’t take my word for it, though. Try the techniques here and see how you feel, then upgrade if you want more.
Disclosure time: There’s no guarantee for cure. But depending on the severity of your ailment, anything is also possible. Having said that, if you take 15 minutes a day following these techniques, you can experience relief.
Desensitization Techniques
Pain is often a signal from our brain that there is a perceived threat. This can continue even when the structures in question are not actually damaged or under threat any longer. For this as well as the practical aspect of relief, we focus first on desensitization. Simply getting the pain signal turned off or quieted is paramount.
The First Minutes of The Morning
One of the hallmark symptoms of plantar fasciitis is pain first thing in the morning. In particular, during the very first steps out of bed. Flossing is one of the first things you can do before getting up. Flossing helps restore sliding surface mechanics. It allows your tissues to better communicate with each other and slide. In addition, this addresses congestion and helps reduce pain.
Here’s how to do flossing:
- With knee bent, lace your fingers behind your knee and pull your leg to your chest
- Now, straighten your leg and point your foot. Try to keep the knee as close to your chest as possible while straightening
- Next, bend the heel to your butt and pull the knee to your chest again
- Repeat this motion 30 times per leg
Gua Sha
One of the oldest methods for desensitizing and improving blood flow to and around an injury site is called “Gua Sha.”
For centuries, people have scraped tissue with objects such as soup spoons, bones, and horns.
The modern equivalent is called Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization or “IASTM.” You can use whatever spoon, tool, butter knife, spatula, or scraping tool you might have lying around.
Remember, the goal is to not irritate, but to desensitize and to improve tissue mechanics. It is a very localized technique that often improves blood flow at a specific location.
To perform Gua Sha on the foot, follow these basic rules:
- Hold the implement at a 45 degree angle with the tissue, and scrape only in one direction
- Continue for about 30 seconds up to a minute max, then switch directions
- Continue until the tissues feel like Switzerland (if it feels good, go until it feels neutral. If it feels bad, go until it feels neutral. Switzerland. Neutral. Get it?)
Restoration Technique
After desensitizing the area, we focus on addressing the causes that led to the pain in the first place. We need to improve the range of motion of tissues and work towards better movement habits. The goal is to get rid of stiffness upstream and downstream of the aggravated area.
Ball + Roller Intervention
When we tend to focus solely on the plantar fascia, we forget about all of the other compounding musculature in the foot, and all the other sliding surfaces. Focus on areas around the pain or tenderness without compounding plantar fascia pain.
Using a ball and a roller, we can get non-threatening input into the tissues of the foot without causing pain.
Equipment needed: Lacrosse Ball & Textured Roller
Roller Recommendation: Leopard Roller
Prevention Technique
Finally, we focus on prevention. Test and retest techniques and practicing continued improvement of movement patterns will reduce the chances of pain recurring in the future and give us a fighting chance at long-term resolution.
Foot Position Reference
Oftentimes we are not good at defining exactly what good foot mechanics are. Don’t get me wrong, your feet should be able to handle a myriad of strange and dynamic shapes.
However, once feet have become desensitized, coming back to basic reference positions improves mechanics and allows us to escape from desensitized areas.
This reference position is sort of the greatest base.
Bonus: Orthotics…?
I want to talk about orthotics. It’s the technology that changes the dynamics of the foot. When using these tools or devices to treat plantar fasciitis, remember that we ultimately need to use other techniques to restore the function. It doesn’t matter if it’s a wedge for heel pain or an orthotic to support the arch of your foot. These are only temporary interventions that allow you to move in a pain free way. They don’t solve the deeper problem.
However, as long as you’re working on a long-term solution, they can be used in the short term for relief.
Try These Ways On How To Fix Plantar Fasciitis Fast
Using the techniques in this guide will give you the much needed foot and ankle relief. By doing them diligently a few times a day, you may even cure it. Of course, it depends on how severe your pain is.
In more severe cases, or simply for the purposes of due diligence and long term resolution, consider working with a physical therapist or other related professionals.
You should also opt for our full 18-part plantar fasciitis protocol to see some improvement that regular stretching and exercise can’t provide.
Plantar fasciitis is not a life sentence. Permanent relief and resolution may sit just beyond a few weeks of guided techniques and physical therapy. Don’t let pain rule your life. Master it, optimize your movement, and further create your Ready State.
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