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  • in reply to: High hamstring problem #75324
    AvatarShannon cupp Cupp

    This sounds like the classic case of pulling an explanation out of his rear end.  Find a Thai massage trigger point therapist in your area and he/she will probably clear you up in 2-3 sessions.  

    in reply to: Rounded Lumbar Spine #75270
    AvatarShannon cupp Cupp

    A good place to start is hip flexion.  I think it’s pro-episode #73 – 2 deadly effective mobs there.

    Keep working on that motor control and bracing sequence.  However, if you are missing some active flexion, your back will round to give slack.
    What else?  Smash high hammies with a ball, voodoo floss the groin area while working on flexion, and I’d look upstream in the t-spine to give that lumbar some slack, and check out that anterior chain smashing psoas, quads, then couch stretch the crap out it.
    in reply to: Voodoo floss methods and techniques #75221
    AvatarShannon cupp Cupp

    I’m guessing someone, some day, will put something out.  But my other guess is that no one has yet (that I know of) because if you watch KStar, or experiment on your own, here is the rule:

    Wrap the tissue (or nearby tissues) you want to change at a 70% stretch, and a 50% overlap, and then move.  It’s that simple and that’s what makes them so beautiful!
    in reply to: Dread Piriformis – but way more confusing.. #75029
    AvatarShannon cupp Cupp

    Hi all,

    Thanks for responding.  I wanted to give an update to respond to you all, and also to give some feedback in case someone reads this thread with a similar problem.
    Quick review: a little pain/leg tweak feeling devolved into crippling and debilitating chronic leg pain (a deep throb), and then morphed into also crippling back pain.  It was mysterious because it started so slowly and for 2 months had not symptoms of back dysfunction.  
    What I’ve found:  After 3 months of worsening pain, I tried conservative care (aka rest/super-light activity, PT, chiro, massage).  I got a lumbar MRI on Monday July 28.  I’m seeing a spine specialist August 4th, but from what I can gather from my chiro, my own eyes, etc. it looks at L5/S1 I have slight narrowing and a small bulging disc.  The pain this has causes is mind-boggling/life-changing, but that’s for another discussion.
    What I’ve done so far: In the past week since receiving my MRI, the boat has turned around, and I think I’ve actually improved just a bit using: rest/light activity, chiro, and trigger point therapy.
    I think the key here has been my work with the trigger point therapist.  She found a “perfect storm” or dysfunction in a multitude of muscle groups/fascial trains.  QL, psoas, glute min/med, quad, and TFL have created a hell of trigger point pain, and by addressing these trigger points through massage, I’ve seen a decent reduction in pain and regaining some ROM and strength.  Whether or not the disc is actually bulging, the pain is coming from these trigger points, and not dealing with them would lead to constant, and long-term pain.
    What this turned out to be is hip dysfunction.  If you know your KStar, you know about the 4 horsemen of the hip: QL, rectus femoris, psoas,and illiacus.  Well, as it turns out, this Mr. KStar knows his shit, and he was spot on in my case.  Each one of these muscles was chock full of trigger points, forming a classic referred pain pattern.  It’s been an adventure to say the least.  
    The moral of the story is:  guys, if you have pain, seek out a trigger point specialist.  
    in reply to: Weakness in arm. #74797
    AvatarShannon cupp Cupp

    Hi Kaitlyn,

    Thank you for responding.  I have to say, while his overhead and front rack archetypes are considerably improved since his joining my gym, he scores a zero on every range of motion test in his shoulders (and hips, and ankles…wow he’s tight).  Front rack is definitely one of his goats, he struggles keeping his elbows locked in OHS, can’t straighten arms on the bottom of a pull-up.  Basically, the root cause is obvious, I just needed a quick kick in the butt to remind me because after a year of advising his progress, it’s easy to get disheartened.  Back to the mobility grindstone for good old Greg!  
    AvatarShannon cupp Cupp

    Suffice it to say, ice is out.  Anti-inflammatory meds are double out.  Check out the book “Iced.”  We must turn the ship around and escape the “Ice Age.”

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