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  • AvatarDeven Williams

    Thanks again [both of you] for the input.

    My wife has smashed for me.
    I’m in VT and while I’m sure there are some quality people here I haven’t run across them. I have found PT’s that say:
    Crossfit is bad for you.
    Squatting anything other than body weight is bad for you.
    Squatting with “knees out” isn’t correct.
    Don’t slower your hips down/back, push your knees forward to squat.
    Little confidence in anyone I’ve found so far……
    r.e. pelvis
    Undoubtedly an issue is that my pelvis/lumbar spine have almost no independent movement between the two.
    I’m super quad-centric coming off 5 years racing/training bicycles and working to get my gluteus/hams to fire better and get my VMO to sequence properly.
    Kinda a train wreck [and I won’t even get into my over injured shoulders!] and waiting to hear back from SFCF and a Skype date with Roop.
    If all else fails I’ll fly to SF if I can get an appointment with KS. Macaroni and cheese for a month is paleo right?
    AvatarDeven Williams

    Kaitlin, Thanks for the link and your input.

    Up stream and down, I’m just not sure how much of an issue they may be causing.  High ham/glute insertion is surprisingly not uncomfortable sitting on a lacrosse ball. Hams/quads are painful despot much rolling/flossing/smashing/etc. Lower leg is much better than upper.
    Frankly at this point I’m at a loss and a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out were to go/start from here.
    I have little confidence in my area PT’s so I may try a Skype evaluation with Roop. I don’t doubt his ability but I’m not sure how effective an eval is via Skype…..
    AvatarDeven Williams

    And today further insight……

    Poor hip activation ability causing hamstrings to fire all the time resulting in their epic tightness.
    We’ll one big interconnected machine, one part locks up and the others suffer because of it.
    Talk about up/down stream!
    AvatarDeven Williams

    Latest update for/from me is they feel some of my “knee problems” are coming from the lack of for/aft mobility in my hips and  the resulting tightness because of it which keep my hangstrings firing all the time. 

    in reply to: Persistent IT band problem – now in both knees #74590
    AvatarDeven Williams

    FWIW: I’m doing sitting leg extensions while holding a 6″ ball between my knees. [the adductors need to fire before the VMO [so I’m told].] Single straight leg dead lifts with a kettle bell and straight leg dead lifts off a box with a barbell for my gluteus/hamstrings. I’m also doing the work from #272

    I too am super tight in the same areas as you with hamstrings like steel cables. They are improving at a rate that kills me but then again it took 56 years to get them as tight as they are so I shouldn’t expect results overnight.
    Sitting on a lacrosse ball under my hamstrings and hunting around for those evil spots and then flossing/knee extensions 100 time per leg daily really seems to help. Not just extending my leg but really trying to feel the flossing makes a huge difference in the effectiveness.

    in reply to: Persistent IT band problem – now in both knees #74589
    AvatarDeven Williams

    “…..How can I find a specialist who would know about this?…..”

    I’ve seen 4 plus a sports massage specialist [who was perhaps the most helpful]. The 4 PT……a bit from each but none really inspire confidence. One PT told me squatting below parallel was bad and I wouldn’t find any PT’s that thought Crossfit was a good idea! I understand your struggle and have actually thought about traveling to CFSF for an in person evaluation of my mobility.
    in reply to: Persistent IT band problem – now in both knees #74585
    AvatarDeven Williams

    I was a pretty serious cyclist and recently found that part of my knee issues were a result of being really lateral quad-centric and had very poor firing of my gluteus/hamstrings and my medial quad was sequencing poorly. All a result of single specific activity.

    While all the rolling/stretching/lacrosse balling/etc. is helping they feel long term results will only come when I get my muscles to fire properly.

    in reply to: Unusual knee/leg issue has my PT stumped #74509
    AvatarDeven Williams

    Ok, the whole lasting pain from my glute to my heel has everyone a bit mystified but the ‘good’ news is I just have a bit of patella tendonitis. 

    I was watching vid #31 but I’m not sure what mobility moves I need to be making for my hip. I can’t listen as fast as KS can talk…….
    Anyone that can link me to the vids that I need to work on to address up/down stream here would be great.
    in reply to: Unusual knee/leg issue has my PT stumped #74482
    AvatarDeven Williams

    Thought about a sciatic issue but it wasn’t that. Seeing another PT on Mon. and it’ll be interesting to get their take on it.

    in reply to: POP during couch stretch…your thoughts? #74474
    AvatarDeven Williams

    I get a lot of “pops” doing mobility work. With me it’s just “adhesions” letting go that have been in place for a long time, most the result of old injuries. Sometime people close to me can actually hear them let go. I never get any lasting discomfort from them breaking free though.

    in reply to: Unusual knee/leg issue has my PT stumped #74470
    AvatarDeven Williams

    Andrew, Thanks.

    Yeah my knee extension is actually good.
    ROM in hamstrings is lacking as is the rectus femoris and I’m really targeting those areas.
    My click/pop was an “ouch, that felt good!” Kinda like when you get a “normal” crack out of any joint but this was not deep in the knee but near the surface.
    The real mystery is the 4 days of pain down the back of my leg. It wasn’t post cramp/spasm pain, but like I wrote before, pain like a days after a really big day that had torn up a lot of muscle.
    A ruptured bursa would leave my knee sore [which it wasn’t] was the thinking…..
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