Start 2025 with a body built to last! Join The Starrett System
Lindsay Berra
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Kelly: [0:00:04] Hey everyone, I’m Dr. Kelly Starrett.
Juliet: [0:00:06] And I’m Juliet Starrett.
Kelly: [0:00:08] And you’re listening to The Ready State Podcast.
Juliet: [00:00:16] This episode of The Ready State Podcast is brought to you by LMNT.
Kelly: [00:00:20] I want you to commit to trying this experiment for me.
Juliet: [00:00:24] What is it?
Kelly: [00:00:25] Most people in my world right now are training in the morning. One of the things that I know about their behaviors is they’ve gone the whole night, haven’t eaten anything, have gone the whole morning and maybe they’ve had some coffee.
Juliet: [00:00:] Likely. Likely they’ve had coffee.
Kelly: [00:00:37] What you have not had is any water. Likely. You haven’t had any water and you haven’t had any electrolytes. And what’s happening is you’re going pretty hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a fasting state, that’s not what I’m talking about. But we’re not viewing hydration and electrolyte supplementation, getting enough salt, we’re not viewing that as a potential limiter to your water, your poundage, your output. I want you to get up in the morning, have your coffee, but then have an LMNT before you train and watch how it transforms your training.
Juliet: [00:01:05] Are you saying that just that single cup of coffee I usually have before I work out isn’t quite enough?
Kelly: [00:01:09] I would say you are Saltless in Seattle. I really do think that sometimes because it’s not a fuel option or we think it’s fuel related, we fail to appreciate that we are a complex bioelectrical system driven on salt. And you will perform better and feel better just with mental clarity if you put some salt support. So don’t mess around. Take this challenge, do it a few days in a row, and prove me wrong.
Juliet: [00:01:35] We literally drink LMNT every day. Right now, if you order through our link, you get a free sample pack with all of LMNT’s flavors. Go to
Juliet: [00:01:46] This episode of The Ready State Podcast is brought to you by
Kelly: [00:01:50] There’s a couple things I want to talk about that have happened with my Dock Pro recently. I got some weird spring bug just a few weeks ago. I got into bed, you were traveling with the girls, and I was running a fever.
Juliet: [00:02:04] I remember this.
Kelly: [00:02:05] And I turned that thing way down and I was like, oh, this is the best fever I’ve ever had. Then I started to get the chills later on and I just jacked it right up to like 110. I was like this is fine. I can basically keep ping ponging my bed back and forth to meet my-
Juliet: [00:02:20] It’s like fever be gone.
Kelly: [00:02:20] Fever be gone. Demons. Ow. So one of the things that we’re starting to see is that our house typically runs a little colder. Starting to get warm and I’m noticing that I’m starting to turn my Dock Pro down, which is what I want to make sure that we highlight today. This device allows you to meet your physiologic needs, meet your environmental needs based on what’s going on, based on what’s going on in your environment. You can make your bed the perfect temperature every night.
Juliet: [00:02:49] And it really is an essential part of our sleep universe. Head over to to learn more and save on the purchase of any new Cube or Dock Pro sleep system. So go to to take advantage of our exclusive discount and wake up refreshed like we do every day.
Kelly: [00:03:08] Proof.
Juliet: [00:03:09] On this episode of The Ready State Podcast we are delighted to welcome Lindsay Berra. Lindsay is a freelance sports journalist based in New Jersey. She’s the oldest grandchild of Carmen and baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berra and serves as an executive producer of the brand new documentary It Ain’t Over, an intimate and revealing portrait of Yogi Berra. She currently creates content for Mustard, the pitching biomechanics app developed by Tom House, and contributes regularly to Men’s Health magazine. Her work has also appeared in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Fast Company, and the Sports Business Journal. Lindsay has also hosted the sports and nutrition training podcast Food of the Gods; been a national correspondent for the MLB; and a writer for ESPN Magazine.
Kelly: [00:03:55] Some of you may recognize Lindsay because she was a journalist and became very interested in our take on ice over the past 10 years and the lack of use. That’s one of the ways we’ve had Lindsay in and around our world through CrossFit, through journalism, through baseball for a long time. It’s really fun to see her flex her considerable skills and expand that into this movie.
Juliet: [00:04:20] Yeah, I think it was just a month ago or something we just happened to be scrolling on the preview app on Apple iTunes and we found the preview for her upcoming documentary It Ain’t Over. And I think you and I were totally blown away because of course we’d known she was Yogi Berra’s granddaughter, but I don’t think we really knew a bunch about the story and we were just so excited to have her on to be able to talk about the documentary and hear more about how rad her grandpa was and just learn more about the process.
Kelly: [00:04:48] Lindsay is an incredible athlete, UNC varsity athlete. A lineage of really just incredible movers. It’s fun to see and listen to her in this podcast, her take on her grandfather’s process, through the lens of a journalist, a baseball lover, and a granddaughter, athlete, right? So it’s fun to get this take. I think you’re going to really like this conversation. It’s a little bit of behind the scenes on an under-appreciated American icon.
Juliet: [00:05:18] Enjoy. Lindsay, welcome to The Ready State Podcast.
Lindsay Berra: [00:05:22] Hi guys. How’s it going?
Juliet: [00:05:24] So I’m just going to kick it off by saying that we’ve known each other for a long time. And I don’t know if you had met Kelly previously. But you and I just recently met for the first time in New York although we’ve talked to each other 25,000 times before that.
Kelly: [00:05:35] Lindsay’s been to our gym many times.
Juliet: [00:05:37] Anyway, but you and Kelly had a conversation obviously at the event we were at about knives and he went on to send you a knife. And what’s the deal? Why were you guys talking about knives and why did he send you a knife?
Lindsay Berra: [00:05:48] My brother asked me how we got on the topic of knives and I don’t remember how it actually came up. I think maybe somebody mentioned something about collecting something and everyone’s obsessed with something and Kelly said he was obsessed with knives. And I said I’ve only ever owned one knife my whole life, my brother got it for me as a gift when I was in college. And it was always in my hiking backpack. It was a really cool, small hiking buck knife that I as not a knife person was not afraid of killing myself with. And my boyfriend and I were hiking in Montana this summer and when we came to fly home, I had forgotten to take it out of my backpack, and they took it from me at the airport. And I kind of pitched a fit. And I was like, “You can’t throw that away.” And they were like, “Oh, we’re going to donate it to the Boy Scouts,” which sort of made me feel a little bit better, but I had lost this knife I had had for 20 some odd years. I told Kelly this story and then the other day I got this package in the mail of this absolutely beautiful made in the Alps pocket knife and it’s the perfect size for a knife wimp like myself and it’s so pretty. I don’t even want to use it to cut things because I don’t want to make it not pretty.
Juliet: [00:06:53] Well, I get it now because Kelly, as you I think alluded to, is obsessed with knives. And what I now know is that you opened the door for him to both talk about knives and shop for knives, which is his favorite pastime. We actually went through this phase, he went through a deep knife phase where I think for a month straight once a day we would get this little teeny Amazon box probably similar to the one you just got. And I was like, “Another knife?” And the next day I was like, “And another knife?” And then I think he did reach peak knife. He actually did end up having to buy this block that he keeps in his bathroom where he stores all of his knives. And I think he did sort of reach peak knife at some point. And now-
Kelly: [00:07:32] You think I reached peak knife?
Juliet: [00:07:33] He loves to gift a knife to people.
Lindsay Berra: [00:07:36] Why do you keep your knives in your bathroom? That’s weird.
Juliet: [00:07:40] It is kind of weird. It’s a little weird.
Kelly: [00:07:43] Hang on. Hang on. I feel attacked.
Juliet: [00:07:44] Oh, you’re feeling vulnerable?
Kelly: [00:07:46] Smart women are surrounding me on every side.
Lindsay Berra: [00:07:49] You have a whole block of knives. I worry about it.
Kelly: [00:07:51] At home, in my bathroom. I don’t know why I love knives. But when I was a kid in Germany, I had just moved to Germany, and at one point, I think it’s second grade, and I literally had 13 knives hidden throughout my bedroom just in case if someone broke in and I was like I’ll take this knife out from behind my picture frame.
Juliet: [00:08:08] Keep in mind that he spent most of his childhood in Garmisch, Germany.
Kelly: [00:08:11] We always had a knife.
Juliet: [00:08:12] Which is completely idyllic and this small little village and the chances of him being attacked in his bedroom in Garmisch, Germany were, I mean I’ll say almost zero.
Kelly: [00:08:21] I feel vindicated though. We read this article a long time ago about children and how we have made children just way too safe, that these kids in Peru by the time they were five could go into the forest, hunt, kill and animal, skin it, and cook it and prepare it for their family. And I was like, see, when I was in Nepal as a young person many years ago, every kid on the beach, like these little tiny children, had these gigantic sabers. And so it just seems I’m just going trying to spread that dogma around.
Juliet: [00:052] Well, one last knife story before we talk about real things. Kelly had some kind of knife in one of our backpacks and our daughter Georgia used that backpack as a carryon when she was like seven or eight years old. And I will say the knife actually made it through security at SFO but then we got to Heathrow and we had to go through security again and she was a little kid and gets pulled out of line and was super stressed. And it turns out it’s just one of Kelly’s knives at the bottom of one of our daypacks. And so yeah, we had to give that to the British Boy Scouts or whatever. We lost that one as well.
Kelly: [00:09:24] So just so everyone knows, the knife Lindsay’s talking about is an Opinel. It’s this cool, classic knife with a rotating lock. It probably hasn’t evolved in 300 years. It’s a simple, beautiful… If it was Indiana Jones and you chose this knife, the guy would say, “You chose wisely.” This is a real person’s knife. And it’s not flashy, it’s carbon fiber, it’s not Damascus steel, this is a person’s knife. You pull this out, any knife appreciator in the world would be like, she’s legit. She’s even more legit than we’re about to talk about. So let’s get into it.
Juliet: [00:10:00] Wait, I have one more non sequitur before we start. And again, there’s a lot to talk to you about, both in your own professional life and this cool project you’re working on. But I saw you had an Instagram post today where your life revolves around both having sunglasses and reading glasses.
Lindsay Berra: [00:10:15] Yes.
Juliet: [00:10:16] And I just wish you and I lived closer because obviously we’re the same person. But what’s the solve for this now that we’re old and we all have sunglasses and reading glasses? Is it just to ditch sunglasses because as Kelly says, and Laird also is anti-sunglasses, is it to ditch sunglasses and just only have reading glasses?
Kelly: [00:10:34] Sunglasses are for weakness.
Juliet: [00:10:34] Or do you just give up and get a chain and hang your reading glasses off of a chain and then look 175 years old?
Lindsay Berra: [00:10:43] My mom suggested the chain today. I was like, “Mom, I’m not doing that.” But the bigger problem is when you have the sunglasses on the head and then the reading glasses on your face, right? Then you get done with the reading glasses and you put them on your head, but then you have two pairs of glasses on your head and you inevitably go to grab the wrong one when you go to put the other ones back on your face. And I’m new to the whole glasses thing. I only started really needing glasses during COVID and I blame Zoom calls and whatnot. So I have no idea what the fix is. So anyone wants to share with me. I just look like a moron with glasses all over my body.
Juliet: [00:11:16] Yeah. If anyone can help us.
Kelly: [00:11:18] We call it peppering the environment. There are 300 reading glasses everywhere. Even Lisa’s nodding her head. I have got stashed. I have glasses.
Juliet: [00:11:28] In every drawer of our house there’s a pair of reading glasses.
Kelly: [00:11:30] Otherwise.
Lindsay Berra: [00:11:31] Do you have more reading glasses or more knives?
Juliet: [00:11:33] I mean it’s close at this point.
Kelly: [00:11:38] It’s really fun to be on the other side of the pointy spear talking to you. You have interviewed me many times on various projects. I wasn’t aware… We’re going to talk about the real reason we’re here, because it’s so cool. Obviously, you’ve been a part of our lives, you’re a journalist, you’re an athlete, you’ve been educating people, you’re part of the reason half of the world doesn’t ice injuries anymore. But I was flipping through the channels. I love watching previews. And I was like wait a minute there’s a preview about this baseball player named Yogi Berra. And it was like I know a friend who happens to be connected to Yogi Berra. I watched the preview and lo and behold, it’s your movie. Even before I saw you talking about and promoting the movie. So that’s the setup for why we’re here today is the launch about this incredible project about your family and I’m so thrilled to get into it.
Lindsay Berra: [00:12:37] I am really excited to be here and talk about it because I can’t wait for everybody to see this thing.
Juliet: [00:12:42] So I am a linear person and so I would like to skip… I would like to go backwards in time though so we could just let our listeners learn a little bit about who you are. I know that you have an athletic background, you’ve been a journalist, you’ve been doing a lot of cool things. But maybe you can start a little bit with about what your athletic background is because I can tell the listeners that you still are very athletic and jacked. And let’s just start there. And I’d love to talk a little bit about your journalism career.
Lindsay Berra: [00:13:10] So I grew up with my Grandpa Yogi as my grandpa and my mother’s father who was also a World War II vet and really into basketball and football. And we just did all the sports growing up. There was no option to sit inside and play a video game. My mom wouldn’t let us in the house until the streetlight came on. That was a rule. You had to be outside and play. And if the streetlights are not on, I don’t care if you’re bleeding, don’t bother coming back.
Kelly: [00:13:35] Well, according to Huberman, you need that evening light. So your mom was the original Huberman. I think that is genius. Did you catch the sun gazing? All right, come back inside.
Juliet: [00:13:44] Yeah. We like to call that a 1970s summer, which we really appreciate. Yeah, exactly.
Lindsay Berra: [00:13:48] Which I wish I could go back to. So nice. Anyway, I played soccer, ice hockey, softball, basketball, all the things growing up. And I settled kind of on soccer, hockey and softball. I was the captain of the boys’ hockey team in high school. And I ended up playing men’s club varsity softball at the University of North Carolina. And then after college when I started working for ESPN Magazine, I needed to just cut down on the time I stood standing in the outfield playing softball games because it just wasn’t an efficient workout. So I got into triathlons and then I got into CrossFit. So I’ve been doing CrossFit for a number of years. competed a little bit with that, did a bunch of triathlons.
And now I’m a hiker and a golfer and a CrossFitter and a cyclist and just do enough things to keep myself moving at my steadily advancing age, just like the rest of us. But how I met Kelly, I can talk about that too, I was working at ESPN Magazine for a number of years and I was freelancing on the side doing a lot of stuff for The Box Magazine. And I think the first time I interviewed Kelly was for a story on Annie Thorisdottir that ended up being on the cover of The Box Magazine. And when I was traveling a lot for ESPN and later for and MLB Network, whenever I was in San Francisco, I would drop in and work out at San Francisco Crossfit. So I got to work out at the gym and meet Kelly and meet some other cool athletes that were out there. And yeah, that’s the background.
Juliet: [00:15:16] Can I just ask why you were on the men’s hockey team at UNC?
Lindsay Berra: [00:15:21] Because there wasn’t a girl’s hockey team and if you wanted to play, you played with the men. Yeah.
Juliet: [00:15:25] Okay. I wasn’t sure if there just wasn’t a team or if you had opted to. How crazy is that? That’s not that long ago. I’m assuming they have a women’s hockey team now?
Lindsay Berra: [00:15:35] Nope. I don’t think so.
Kelly: [00:15:36] Also bananas is that UNC has some of the densest women’s sports in the planet. Anson Dorrance, the strength coach or the head soccer coach there is one of the winningest coaches in the history of all sports, men or women. And I think last year brand new field hockey coach came on, she’s like 23, and won the national title. UNC is legit.
Lindsay Berra: [00:15:59] UNC’s field hockey program is fantastic. Karen Shelton, the previous coach was there for forever and one so many championships. That program is tremendous.
Kelly: [00:16:08] That’s amazing. Okay, so you are an athlete in a family that is sort of tangentially known for athletics. I would say that your grandfather is probably for me one of the most famous athletes in the world I’ve ever heard of. I quote him regularly without attribution. What’s it like to grow up with Yogi Berra as your grandfather because, we’ll get into the premise of this movie, is that people see him as a person, as an icon, and they don’t even recognize what an incredible athlete he was and how progressive he was in sport in terms of changing sports. Can you talk about your grandpa first and growing up with that icon in the family, the pressure? And then work your way into what did we get wrong about this human being?
Lindsay Berra: [00:17:05] So I say this a lot. When I was a kid I had no idea that my grandfather was Yogi Berra. I knew he was Grandpa Yogi and I knew that his job was managing the New York Yankees or coaching the New York Yankees, depending on when it was. And I didn’t really know it was any different than my other friends’ grandpas who were accountants or bus drivers or who owned a restaurant or whatever. This is just what grandpa did for a living. I didn’t know that it was special. And by the time I was old enough to realize that Grandpa Yogi was also this famous guy called Yogi Berra that people all idolized and had been watching play for a long time, he’d already been Grandpa Yogi for so long that Yogi Berra and Grandpa Yogi didn’t often overlap or shake hands in my mind. Even now, I still feel like they’re two very separate entities, which is strange because what I got from him as my grandpa was basically what everybody else got from him in the world. He was not two people. What you saw was what you got. There were no airs. He didn’t put on an act for anyone he met in public. He was just very much himself all the time. And he didn’t think of himself as a famous person at all. I mean he went to church Saturday night or Sunday morning every weekend for his entire life, sat in the same pew. Anybody can go and sit next to him. He picked up his own dry cleaning, did his own grocery shopping, went to restaurants, would sit in the stands at my hockey games and chat up the other moms and dads and grandparents who came to watch their kids play. He just was so normal.
And that I think is one of the things that made him so beloved because he was so accessible and so approachable and just so nice to all the people that he met. And I think that personality of his, the way he was so approachable made him a great pitchman for products, which led to all of the commercials that he did. And then there were the Yogi-isms on top of that. And I think he became in people’s minds this cute, sweet, funny man that said funny things. And the athletic background fell by the wayside because he played his last game on May 10, 1965 and he was still doing commercials until 2008, 50 some odd years later.
Kelly: [00:19:23] Crazy.
Lindsay Berra: [00:19:25] So 18 years of playing and then 50 years of being on TV. I don’t think it’s surprising that people remember him for that latter part of his life. But it’s also a bummer that they forget what made him famous enough to be in commercials in the first place.
Juliet: [00:19:41] Yeah, and maybe you can just tell us a little bit more about that from a data standpoint because obviously I’ve heard of Yogi Berra, I know he’s a legend. Actually, for me, I only think of him, even separate from knowing you, I only think of him as an athlete. I don’t think until I even watched the trailer for this documentary and have talked to Kelly a little bit more recently, how prolific he was in terms of being a spokesperson for products and other aspects of his life. But give us a little bit because I imagine many people listening to this have the same feeling. They know Yogi Berra’s a legend but give us some data points. What made him a legend as an athlete?
Kelly: [00:20:19] Tee up that first scene in the movie for us.
Lindsay Berra: [00:20:21] Yes. Okay. Let me give you some of the stats first for you. He was a three-time MVP award winner in baseball. There’s not that many folks who won three MVP awards and there are fewer still who won back-to-back MVP awards, which grandpa did. He’s a 10-time World Series champion, which is more than any other player in the history of baseball.
Kelly: [00:20:40] Ten times.
Lindsay Berra: [00:20:41] He played in 18 All Star Games and he had 10 World Series rings. So I tell the kids who come to grandpa’s museum here in New Jersey that you can’t wear 10 rings all at once because it’s very tacky. But some of the stats are really just incredible. He and Joe DiMaggio, who was obviously another very famous Yankee, are the only two players in Major League Baseball history to have more than 350 homeruns and fewer than 500 strike outs. And not a lot of people put grandpa in the same breath as Joe DiMaggio, but right there, there’s the two of them at the top of all of baseball history.
There’s some stats that I really, really love. In 1950, grandpa in 656 plate appearances and 597 at bats, he hit .322, had 144 RBIs, 28 home runs, and only struck out 12 times in an entire season. Guys today strike out 12 times in a weekend. He was super durable. He caught both ends of double headers, 18 innings, 117 times in his career. I physical challenge any catcher at any level of baseball to catch just one complete double header right now. You won’t see it happen. And I find that amazing with all of the advancements in strength and conditioning and they talk about how the game isn’t the same because the players are so much bigger and stronger and faster. And I’m like, okay, then why can’t they do what the guys did back then? I would love to hear your opinions on that, Kel.
He caught over 125 games for over a decade. He would tell you it was because he was short—he was 5’8—and that he was low to the ground and he didn’t have to squat very far. But a squat’s a squat. Come on. He still has records for World Series appearances, World Series hits by a catcher. He has 1,430 RBIs, which is the most ever by a catcher. And that is a record I can guarantee you will never be broken. So the stats are really, really incredible. And in the first scene of the movie, as Juliet alluded to, I was sitting with him watching the 2015 All Star Game and this was just a few months before he passed and he had dementia and wasn’t doing awesome. And they bring out Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Johnny Bench and Sandy Koufax at the All Star pregame as the four greatest living baseball players. And they’re all… I think Willie Mays was the greatest player that’s ever played the game. But I’m looking at my Grandpa Yogi and Johnny Bench was also a catcher and Johnny Bench is a great catcher but grandpa has numbers that are equal to and in a lot of cases, in certain areas, better than Johnny’s. And I just looked at grandpa and I was like, “Are you dead? Why aren’t you included in this group? Why isn’t it the five greatest living players?” I’m not thinking he should replace anyone but he certainly should be included in that group.
Juliet: [00:23:20] Yeah, he should be standing there for sure.
Lindsay Berra: [00:23:22] Yeah. When I said, “Are you dead?” He just said, “Not yet,” in classic Grandpa Yogi fashion. But I think he’s overlooked a lot. I mentioned that 1,430 RBI stat. Just last spring Yadier Molina from the St. Louis Cardinals got his 1,000th RBI as a catcher. And I remember scrolling through Twitter and seeing the news story about that. And I love Yadi Molina. I wrote a cover story on him when I was at ESPN Magazine and he was actually one of Grandpa Yogi’s favorite active baseball players. Grandpa grew up in St. Louis and was still a pretty big Cardinals fan and watched a lot of Cardinals games, even though he was a lifelong Yankee. So he loved Yadi as well. And I click on the story about Yadi, and it says, “Yadi joins elite company,” and it’s a composite image at the top of the article of Pudge Rodriguez, Johnny Bench, and Yadier. And I’m like, again, wait a second, these guys all have 1000 RBIs, but grandpa has the record, 1,430, and he was literally not in the picture when they’re talking about the catchers who have achieved this great milestone. And my whole goals for the movie is to figuratively put him back in that picture because he belongs in the conversation as the greatest catcher of all time, he belongs in the conversation as the greatest to play the game. He deserves that.
Juliet: [00:24:35] Hey Ready State listeners, if you like what you’re hearing please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes to help others find our show.
Juliet: [00:24:43] This episode of The Ready State Podcast is brought to you by Momentous.
Kelly: [00:24:46] One of the 10 vital signs that you and I have is fueling for life. And one of the things that I struggle with, always, like every day-
Juliet: [00:24:57] Getting enough protein.
Kelly: [00:24:57] How’d you know? I don’t have a hard time eating fruits and vegetables or moving or having hip extension. But getting my protein minimums, I actually struggle to do it. One of the ways I’m pretty detailed about getting real whole food protein, but one of the ways that has changed my life fundamentally is I augment a little bit with protein shakes. And I’ll tell you, I gave that habit up because most of the protein shakes didn’t make me feel very good. Momentous adds digestive enzymes into their German fed, grass fed, whey cows, and I feel better. It’s amazing.
Juliet: [00:25:33] And it also tastes really good.
Kelly: [00:25:34] Oh stop it.
Juliet: [00:25:36] And the other thing I’ll add is we’ve been doing a lot of traveling for work lately and Momentous protein powder comes in these rad little individual serving packages.
Kelly: [00:25:45] What do you mean? You’re not smuggling your tub through the TSA?
Juliet: [00:25:45] Not little baggies of protein, putting it in a Ziploc bag. And so we’ve been able to really keep up with our protein minimums while we’ve been traveling and that’s been essential for just feeling good.
Kelly: [00:25:56] And let me be honest: The ultimate test for any protein is can you mix it in a plastic cup at a hotel with tepid tap water.
Juliet: [00:26:05] And still be able to drink it.
Kelly: [00:26:07] Yes, you can. That’s how good Momentous protein is. I’m telling you, this whey has rounded out, I’m hitting my minimums, and super tasty and portable.
Juliet: [00:26:17] Go to and use code TRS for 20 percent off your first purchase.
Juliet: [00:26:25] So there’s so much there and that’s amazing to hear all that. And one thing I wanted to go back to just because this has been a conversation we have been having at length lately because of our book Built to Move is durability and you mentioned the word durability. And of course, my brain was like durability. And ultimately, that’s our goal. We, as I talked to you about, we don’t care about the word longevity, we don’t care how long we live. We just want to be durable in our bodies as long as we’re alive. What do you think made him so durable and so functional? And if I’m not mistaken, he was a World War II veteran as well?
Lindsay Berra: [00:27:00] Yes.
Juliet: [00:27:00] So I feel like just going through that experience just has to make you a resilient and durable human on many levels that none of us can relate to these days. But what do you think it was?
Kelly: [00:27:10] There is the movie about another… Zamperini, right, who is the runner, World War II, and then came back. You know what I mean? It’s bananas that your grandfather was so durable and had such an incredible career and had a life before this thing.
Juliet: [00:27:24] Yeah, so what do you think? Have you spent time trying to figure out what was it? I’m sure some of it’s genetics, I’m sure some of it is the resilience he learned by being in a war. I mean there’s probably so many factors. But what do you think it is? What do you think made him so durable?
Lindsay Berra: [00:27:37] I think World War II gives you something. It’s not something that people today really understand. And I’m not going to pretend that I really understand it because I have not been in a war and certainly have not seen live combat the way grandpa did.
Kelly: [00:27:52] He was at Normandy, right?
Lindsay Berra: [00:27:53] He was on the D-Day invasion. He was on an LCSS, landing craft support small which came off a larger boat, USS Bayfield. The boat had 12 rockets and two 50 caliber machine guns on the back and he was a machine gunner providing cover fire for our troops going ashore at Omaha Beach. And that was obviously the active part of the invasion. But then in the days following D-Day, his job with the other six fellows on his boat was to remove the bloated bodies of American servicemen from the ocean and bring them back to the US at Bayfield. So you don’t go through an active combat situation really risking your life and then follow it up by removing the dead bodies of your comrades from the water and come away from it without this incredible sense of perspective.
So Grandpa comes home and he full well knows that so many other men did not. And I feel like he understands this second chance at life that he’s been given. We talk today a lot about practicing gratitude. And I don’t think that grandpa had to think about practicing gratitude. I think that every moment of his life, he was grateful for just being here, never mind getting to become a Hall of Famer or whatever. He got the chance to meet my grandmother and get married and have kids. And he ends up playing this boys’ game for a living. And the only way you can look at that after World War II is with such a profound sense of joy all the time. And you can see it. When you see the archival footage in the movie, every time they strike somebody out, grandpa jumps out of his crouch and leaps into the air. He’s just so thrilled with the whole situation.
And I think that that perspective, I know we’re talking a little bit about durability here, but he was also known as one of the greatest clutch hitters of all time. He was tremendous in the late innings. When you get up in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and people put so much pressure on themselves… He’d been through an actual life and death situation; the bottom of the ninth is not life or death. He is happy to be there and he looks at that as opportunity; that’s not pressure. But I think when you have that much fun doing something and you look at each day that you’re able to do that as this gift that I think he kind of thinks he stole because so many men didn’t come home from World War II, you can’t but approach it with I want to be here, I want to play more, I want to be there in the important moments, I want to be there for my teammates. I think going through a war and serving with other men… People liken sports to war all the time. It’s not the same but the camaraderie feels similar. And I think he felt that responsibility to his teammates to show up every day as well.
Juliet: [00:30:36] So you mentioned her briefly but I also wanted to ask about Carmen, who was your grandma, who I understand was sort of a legend in her own right. So tell us a little bit about her.
Lindsay Berra: [00:30:46] She was pretty awesome. She grew up on a farm in a place called Howes Mill, Missouri. It’s a tiny little dot on the map two hours south and west of St. Louis. And she and one of her sisters went to the city in World War II and they were working in a munitions factory or something. But she was teaching dance classes at an Arthur Murray and she had a side hustle winning bicycle races. Whatever. She wound up waiting tables at a restaurant on The Hill in St. Louis. The Hill was the Italian section in St. Louis where Grandpa Yogi grew up. And the restaurant she was waiting tables in was called Biggies and it’s the restaurant about which grandpa said the famous Yogi-ism, “Nobody goes there anymore; it’s too crowded.” Grandpa saw Grammy walking in and out of the restaurant and he thought she was cute so he dragged his buddy Joe Garagiola who grew up across the street from him and also ended up in the Baseball Hall of Fame—it’s the craziest story ever—dragged him in there to sit at the bar. And they couldn’t afford to eat there. So they would drink glasses of water. And Joe would say, “Yogi, I’m hungry. Can we get out of here? I want to go get something to eat. Let’s go.” And grandpa would say, “Joe, I just want to look at her.” So Grammy had Grandpa wrapped around her finger from the very, very beginning. But I always say she was just awesome. She could do The New York Times crossword puzzle in two seconds flat. And she had been a dancer when she was younger and I remember her at 85 years old doing high kicks in the kitchen to keep her hips loose. She was awesome. She was so much fun. Honestly, Grandpa would not have gotten one foot out the door without her. She was incredible.
Juliet: [00:32:16] I feel like Kelly’s going to be doing high kicks in the kitchen when he’s 85.
Kelly: [00:32:19] I hope so.
Juliet: [00:32:20] Yeah. I mean that’s definitely… I could see you doing that.
Kelly: [00:32:22] Dude, I’m going to channel my inner Yogi. Do you remember them talking about or how your parents talked about the pressure or the notoriety? Was that a conversation? Because now we’re so meta about mindset and preparation. We’ve commoditized and fetishized and organized sports so much and it’s divided. I feel like some of the best athletes a generation ago, two generations ago, stumbled into these things and may or may not have been consciously aware of their process. Do you feel like I mean certainly coming through PTSD trauma, being able to enact the change and the gratitude and practice, I think that was probably very healing for your grandfather at the same time. But do you think he was aware of his process or was he just so himself and so extraordinary that he just did the right things at the right time for the right reason because he was a perfect product in that moment?
Lindsay Berra: [00:33:26] I think it’s a little bit of both with him. Grandpa was an exceptional human being when I think back about it and I think about him often. He’s very much in my head all the time. It’s a really high bar. And when you do something or you screw up and you do something that may not have been the right thing, I very often think, wow, that’s not what grandpa would have done. And it’s a tough bar to live up to. He was a special human being. But I remember talking to him about when I started playing softball and was in games that mattered and we would lose a game and you’d come home and be complaining about some call that the umpire made or something that the other team did. And he would be like, “Yo, forget about what just happened. You need to figure out what you personally did wrong so you can do it better tomorrow. If you’re still talking about yesterday when you get to the ballpark tomorrow, that’s not good. You’re not going to be able to play.” So he was super able to consciously leave whatever had happened the day before at the ballpark and come home. And I think he was aware of that.
But I think it also goes back to that perspective. When you’ve been through a war, a loss is not the worst thing in the world. And he was also very self-aware. I didn’t play well today, I didn’t hit when we had two men on base in the third inning. And he wasn’t looking to pass the buck to other people. And when you take that on yourself, okay, this is what I need to do tomorrow to be better, that was the process. It was looking at himself, looking at what the team did, figuring out what he needed to move forward and actually moving forward. So many people harp on what they didn’t do. He was the most self-confident person on the planet too. There was no failure on the field that made him think that he couldn’t do it better tomorrow. I remember my uncle Dale tells this great story about-
Kelly: [00:35:14] Love this.
Lindsay Berra: [00:35:14] Do you know where I’m going with this?
Kelly: [00:35:16] No.
Lindsay Berra: [00:35:17] So my Uncle Dale tells this story. My Uncle Dale played for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was a shortstop. One of the better shortstops in the National League in the early ’80s before he screwed up. That’s also in the movie. But he was talking to grandpa and he says, “Dad, what did you think about with the bases loaded?” And grandpa turned it back on him and was like, “What do you think about?” And he was like, “Well, I think about try to put the ball into play, don’t hit a pop fly, don’t swing at a bad pitch.” All these things, this list of stuff that Dale had going on in his head. And he said, “So what did you think about, Dad?” And grandpa was like, “I can’t believe you thought about all that. All I thought about was that the pitcher was in trouble.” There was never a thought in his mind that he wasn’t going to hit the ball and that the pressure wasn’t on the pitcher and not on him. It was just this amazing perspective. And he always thought that he could deliver. And when you believe that you can deliver, you deliver a lot more often than you do if you don’t believe you can deliver.
Kelly: [00:36:12] Did he talk about his… You’re coming to San Francisco, you’re at the Mill Valley Film Festival. We’re coming. I can’t wait to see this. There’s so much there. Two questions I have for you. Do you remember him talking about is parents? Because we’re such a product of… I mean the generations apart from us, it’s almost hard to conceive of the world that they lived in. World War I, the Great Depression. And do you remember him being influenced by parents, first. That’s the first question. The second one is I can’t wait to hear what you say surprised you about really learning about your grandfather.
Lindsay Berra: [00:36:48] So his parents came over from Italy. Grandpa had three older brothers. Uncle Mike, Uncle John, and Uncle Tony. They were all born in Italy. And Grandpa was the first of the boys to be born here and then he had a younger sister, Josie. And everybody was working to help support their family. They were super poor as Italian immigrants living on The Hill in St. Louis. His father worked in the brickyards. And grandpa had to quit school in the eighth grade to go to work to help put food on the table. Grandpa will tell you that all three of his older brothers were better baseball players than he was. And Great Grandpa Pedro, his father, just thought baseball was nonsense. Why are you wasting time playing this game, go to work and make some money.
And I think he got a tremendous amount of work ethic from his parents, but this also goes back to the gratitude too, he talks about how all of his older brothers were better than he was. But when it got down to grandpa, they kind of ganged up on my great-grandfather and said one of us should have a chance to make it to the Big Leagues, let him try. And they convinced Great Grandpa Pedro to let him play baseball. And at that point, Uncle Mike and Uncle Tony decided to switch Grandpa Yogi, he was a natural right-handed hitter, and they switched him around to being a leftie.
Kelly: [00:38:10] No.
Lindsay Berra: [00:38:11] They thought that he’d have a better chance of making the Big Leagues as a left-handed hitting catcher.
Kelly: [00:38:16] How old was he when he switched?
Lindsay Berra: [00:38:18] He was 10 when they switched him. But you know that Yogi Berra is not Yogi Berra if he’s hitting right-handed. There’s no way.
Juliet: [00:38:25] Amazing.
Lindsay Berra: [00:38:26] When it goes back to what he learned from his family, it contributes to that gratitude because he wouldn’t have been where he was if his brothers hadn’t gone to bat for him—nice little pun there—and he was really grateful for that opportunity because his brothers hadn’t gotten that opportunity. And just a little bit more about the lefty, righty thing. Grandpa said he was amphibious; he was obviously ambidextrous. He was a natural righty. He hit lefty and threw righty in the Big Leagues. When he played golf, it was the opposite. He played golf right-handed but he putt left-handed and carried a left-handed eight iron so if he ever had a bad shot behind a tree, he could just turn around and hit the other way. And he was one of these people, he’d be cutting his steak with his right hand and then he’d stop mid-sentence and switch hands and go cut his steak with the other hand. I would impale myself if I tried to cut myself with my left hand. He very much could do anything with either hand. It’s very interesting.
Juliet: [00:39:23] Do you think that that was a trained skill just because he started hitting-
Kelly: [00:39:26] No, he’s a mutant and it was trained.
Juliet: [00:39:28] Yeah, he’s a mutant, but yeah, I mean-
Lindsay Berra: [00:39:29] He’s a mutant and an amphibian apparently.
Juliet: [00:39:31] I love that. I love amphibian.
Kelly: [00:39:33] I love that your uncles, your great uncles, knew that it would be a competitive advantage and they took advantage of this window of this young, talented kid and was like, no, no, no, we know how to tweak the game, play the game.
Juliet: [00:39:45] That’s so progressive.
Kelly: [00:39:47] It’s so progressive.
Juliet: [00:39:47] So I just want to say that it seems like he had the perfect mix of the phrase we use now is growth mindset. He had the perfect mix of confidence and growth mindset. And it seems like those two things together were his secret weapon.
Lindsay Berra: [00:40:00] Yeah, I would definitely agree with that. And even you see it in just the way he carried himself as a human not on the baseball field. So many people, this is in the movie quite a bit, he was very underestimated. He was a tiny, he was 5’8. He was kind of stocky and thick and they said he didn’t look like a ballplayer, he looked like a guerilla, he looked like an ape, he looked like a fire hydrant. He was too ugly to be a Yankee. Who even says that and what does that even mean, okay? But he was so able to just let that stuff roll of his back. His answer was, “Well, I never saw anyone hit with his face.” So I don’t know, he was just able to move through the world marching to the beat of his drum. He didn’t care what anybody else said.
Kelly: [00:40:43] We have a few friends who are icons and you’re around them and the way they operate in the world is so inspiring and we always come away charged from hanging out with some superstar friends. Growing up with this person who is just an example but also is actually an exceptional person, I think we all have those in our families whether they were superstars or not in baseball, but that is not the same thing as deep diving into a life to make a documentary. You really had a chance to strip down grandfather, strip down Yogi as legend. What surprised you or even humanized your grandfather in a way that you couldn’t have if you weren’t a journalist/athlete looking at this in a different way?
Juliet: [00:41:34] Yeah. And making this documentary.
Lindsay Berra: [00:41:36] I just think it’s amazing, and this is not unique to him, this is all the members of that Greatest Generation and it’s why we call them that. He was able to accomplish so much in his time on Earth and it just makes you feel inadequate, like what are you doing with your life? It’s like he lived five lives in the time it took everybody to live what we do in one life. And I think when I got involved with the documentary, I came to the project with the idea that I just wanted to help Sean Mullin, our director, Sean is West Point graduate, an Army veteran, he played rugby at West Point. And he was the perfect person to do this project because as an athlete and a veteran, he just brought a great perspective. It felt like he understood grandpa. Grandpa would have loved Sean. I just wanted to help Sean, who is a Hollywood person, get in touch with as many of the baseball people who I could think of who had seen grandpa play or played with him so they could really give perspective on grandpa as a player, his impact on the Yankees, how he made other players around him better because that was a gift of his as a catcher, elevating pitchers and getting them to bring their best every day.
And obviously the baseball stuff is tremendous, but what always surprises me, even though I know this happens, and it will never cease to surprise me, humble me and bring tears to my eyes—I’m going to probably cry when I tell you this. You hear people talk and all the people who are interviewed in the doc and just people I meet in parking garages and at restaurants and they tell me, “Oh my God, Yogi was your grandfather? I loved him so much. My father loved him and made sure he watched all the Yankee games. Or I grew up in Georgia and we didn’t get any other team on the radio and I listened to him on the radio and I fell in love with your grandfather.” And they mean the word love in the same sense of it as when I say I love my grandfather. They love him. And it is absolutely crazy to realize someone who is just such a normal grandpa to you had that kind of effect on people he never even met. That is astonishing. What is that gift that allows him to reach people like that? It’s just absolutely fascinating to me and I still can’t wrap my brain around it.
Kelly: [00:44:00] That’s cool.
Juliet: [00:44:00] That’s mind blowing. One of the things I wanted to ask about, and I know this documentary is more about his athletic career, but he did go on to appear in so many commercials and be such a media person. And I have to think that-
Kelly: [00:44:11] He was like the first.
Juliet: [00:44:12] Yeah. That’s what I was going to ask. He had to have been one of the first athletes to move into that role. and did he also bring that same joy and growth mindset to that part of his life? Did he enjoy that or was that something he fell into and it was a way to make money? I mean tell us a little bit about what that whole phase of his life was like. I mean now we don’t think twice about the fact that there’s celebrity athlete endorsements for literally everything that we buy and purchase. But I think he had to have been the first and only one for a really long time.
Lindsay Berra: [00:44:45] Yeah. There were some folks, I’m trying to think. Joe DiMaggio did something. Maybe for cigarettes or something. But grandpa did have a lot of endorsements as he started getting into the late 50s. and one of the big ones was Yoo-hoo. He and Mickey Mantle became pitchmen for Yoo-hoo in the late 50s. and actually, I’m going to tell this story really quick because it’s one of my favorites. People always ask me about my favorite Yogism. And this is one that not a lot of people have heard. In the late 50s there’s a press conference introducing grandpa and Mickey as pitmen for Yoo-hoo and there is a female reporter in the front row. And grandpa would remember the story and would tell me because I also was a female reporter and there weren’t a lot of female reporters in the 50s and so he always remembered this. And so she raised her hand and said, “Excuse me, is that hyphenated?” meaning Yoo-hoo, the word Yoo-hoo. And he said, “Lady, it ain’t even carbonated.” That’s one of my favorites.
But he went on to make a lot of these commercials. And they kind of made fun of him. The Yoo-hoo one, there was a big poster and billboard that said, “Me for Yoo-hoo,” which is very grammatically incorrect and kind of fell into this stereotype of grandpa not being very smart. And the Yogi-isms which are really all genius if you think about them and distill them to their base parts, they can sometimes appear silly on the surface. And if you go into that, you can maybe not think he was the smartest person, but he really was very smart. And I don’t want people to think that I’m making the case that he was taken advantage of or was an unwitting participant in this because he certainly did sign on to do those commercials. And he had a lot of fun doing them. He had fun doing everything that he did.
But I think back then, grandpa’s best year in the Big Leagues he made $60,000. Most years he was making $45,000 or $50,000, which was a good living back then but it’s the equivalent to about $500,000 today, which is a good living, but it’s not $30 million like these guys are making. And he had three children and he was sending money home to his family in St. Louis. And he had been raised very poor, struggling to make ends meet. And I think he understood the importance of saving to support your family and that I think was part of what drove him to do the commercials. And I think later in his life I think he really just did have fun doing them. It gave him something to do. He loved people and doing the commercials opened a whole new world of people for him. But yeah, he definitely became, he really was one of those first iconic athlete pitchmen.
Juliet: [00:47:16] You said he was doing the commercials all the way up until 2008, which wasn’t that long ago. How old was he at that time?
Lindsay Berra: [00:47:24] In 2008, let’s see. He was 83. I feel like he made the Aflac commercial… If people haven’t seen the Aflac commercial with Grandpa Yogi, give that a Google, it’s pretty hysterical.
Juliet: [00:47:36] Okay, we’ll link it in this episode for sure.
Lindsay Berra: [00:47:38] He made that one when he was about 85. And Ron Guidry’s a famous pitcher from the Yankees. And he actually wrote a book called Driving Mr. Yogi. He became grandpa’s de facto chauffer at spring training. So Ronnie actually dropped Grandpa off at the airport off in Tampa when he was going to make that commercial and picked him up on the return trip. And Ron tells this great story where grandpa jumps into the passenger seat on the way back and says, “Gator, the duck don’t talk.” He’s very, very funny.
Kelly: [00:48:14] One of the things I think that people won’t even appreciate is a person can quote your grandfather without even knowing it. I’m thinking of a gigantic megahit song by Lenny Kravitz, “It Ain’t Over ‘til It’s Over.” That’s not quoting someone else, that is actually quoting your grandfather who coined that term.
Lindsay Berra: [00:48:37] Absolutely. And there’s some of this in the documentary. He was literally quoted by every American president since like Gerald Ford. In my family and most of my friends, we often say that Jesus and Shakespeare were probably the two most quoted men in the history of the world until Grandpa Yogi came along. They lost a lot of ground, those two.
Juliet: [00:48:56] Okay, well, I have to ask, I know you’ve said a few of them, but do you have a favorite Yogi-ism. I mean you’ve hit on a few of them, but what’s your number one?
Lindsay Berra: [00:49:05] My favorites are the more existential ones. “The future ain’t what it used to be.” And “if the world were perfect, it wouldn’t be.” Those are my two favorites for sure. But there’s another famous one. “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” And that one was actually, he was giving directions to his house here in Montclair, which is like a mile and a half from where I’m sitting right now. And you turn up this road and there’s a split in the road, a Y, and both sides of the fork go to his street. So he said, “When you come to a fork, take it,” you get to the top, make a left, either way, didn’t matter, you’d get to his house. And it makes perfect sense if you see what the road looks like. But that one has become kind of a euphemism in my family for get off your butt and get moving. When you’re laying in bed hitting the snooze button, it’s like take the fork, get out of bed, get going. So I like that one a lot as well because it’s practical. There’s so many good ones. And I love when I hear people… I have a Google alert set in my Gmail and I get these stories where people quote him about the oil market or the economy or stuff
Juliet: [00:50:08] Really obscure stuff.
Lindsay Berra: [00:50:08] “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” That’s a really common one that they use with elections. Or they use “It aint over ‘til its over all the time,” especially in politics, that kind of thing. But I’m just amazed at how many people quote them all the time. And sometimes they attribute and sometimes they don’t. But it’s amazing how he took over the American lexicon.
Kelly: [00:50:32] True.
Juliet: [00:50:33] You’ve been a journalist and been working in media but if I’m not mistaken, this is the first time you’ve really worked on a documentary like this at this scale.
Lindsay Berra: [00:50:42] Yeah.
Juliet: [00:50:43] What has it been like? What has the experience been like? What have you learned? And will you do it again?
Lindsay Berra: [00:50:49] I keep saying I am not a filmmaker. When it comes down to it, I am just a kid who loves her grandpa and wants people to remember what he did on this earth. I want a new generation of people to know who he is, understand what kind of human he was, and use that to live their lives in a little bit of a better way. I’m not a filmmaker. The fact that I got involved in this and Sean, the director, embraced me and allowed me to really be a part of the process of making this film was a real gift. I don’t know that I’m going to make more going forward. I mean, sure, if you want my help, I’ll help you. But I don’t know if there’s another thing I want to make a movie about. We’ll see.
Kelly: [00:51:32] Do you feel like it was difficult to confront your grandfather’s raging drug abuse and sexual… Wait, wait. It turns out none of this exists. This movie is the right time at the right place and really feels like I have watched the preview now 10 times. And it makes me feel nostalgic, it makes me feel proud, it makes me feel like, oh I have this link because I know you, to this incredible human being. I can’t wait for people to get their hands on this thing. What has been… You’re starting to show it around and shop it around. It has to make baseball proud. It has to.
Lindsay Berra: [00:52:10] Yeah. I really think so. And we premiered it at the Tribeca Film Festival last year. We had six showings at Tribeca. And people really reacted to it. What’s cool about it also is even if you’re a baseball fan, it talks about him as a first generation Italian immigrant, it talks about him as a D-Day veteran, it talks about his 65 year beautiful love affair with my Grammy Carmen. It talks about him as a father to his three sons. And a lot of the players in the late 40s and 50s actually became these unwitting Civil Rights activists, not because they were trying to make a point but because they did the right thing by embracing and welcoming black players into baseball. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1947. That is 15, 18 years ahead of the Civil Rights movement in this country. And that doesn’t happen without the acceptance of folks like my grandfather and Ted Williams and Pee Wee Reece who stood up and embraced them and didn’t say no. So there’s that; it’s like a Civil Rights story. There’s so much in this movie that people who are not baseball fans can identify with. So I don’t want people to not go see it if they say they don’t like baseball. This is a human story and it’s really an inspiring story. And then so Tribeca, everything went great. And then we went to the Nantucket Film Festival and Sean, our director, was like, “Do you want to come with me?” And I’m like, “Sean, Nantucket, Massachusetts? We’re showing this on an island of Red Sox fans? It seems like they might-
Kelly: [00:53:38] We’re going to die.
Juliet: [00:53:38] Bad idea.
Lindsay Berra: [00:53:39] Why are we doing this? And it ended up being the most lovely experience. There was a review that came out after the Nantucket Film Festival that said the end of the film, the closing credits, were met with the sound of grown men weeping. It makes people so nostalgic for their dads and their grandparents and for America as a kinder, simpler, gentler place. We’re not always in that place now. And the movie kind of makes you feel that, whether you’re a baseball fan or not. I really hope people go see it.
Kelly: [00:54:21] Where can people find out, watch the preview right now, get on board?
Juliet: [00:54:28] See the schedule. When’s it going to be released?
Kelly: [00:54:30] I grew up in Europe, I played a little tee ball, and I skipped baseball entirely. And I have to tell you, the reason I care about baseball is I have personal connections to baseball. The coaches we work with and teams we work with. But that’s my in and I have to say that I love baseball and I can’t wait to watch this through your eyes and through the lens of this movie.
Lindsay Berra: [00:54:52] So the film opens in the tri-state area New York, New Jersey– and I don’t know why I always have a hard time remembering the three states. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and Los Angeles on May 12. And then on May 19, it opens in Philadelphia, DC, Dallas, San Francisco, Chicago, a whole bunch of other cities. And then every week thereafter through the end of May and June, it’s going to open in more cities in the country. So it is very definitely coming soon to a theater near you. You can look at for the schedules if you’re so inclined, you can follow me on Twitter. I tweet all the info, anything, probably too much info, anything everyone needs. Some guy messaged me this morning, “Where will it be in Connecticut?” And I sent him a list of theaters in Connecticut. So I am at your service if you need me.
Kelly: [00:55:41] And that’s @lindsayberra?
Lindsay Berra: [00:55:42] Yep. @lindsayberra. L-i-n-d-s-a-y. Very easy to find.
Juliet: [00:55:46] We can’t wait. And I will also say for those people who are like Kelly and watch previews on their Apple TV like it’s their job in life, it’s also sitting there as well and that’s where we watched it. So yeah, and I agree, even just watching the preview, it’s clearly an amazing human interest story and baseball is a feature but you do not need to be a baseball lover to like this. So go check it out everybody.
Kelly: [00:56:08] Ladies and gentlemen, Lindsay Berra. Thank you.
Juliet: [00:56:10] Thank you so much.
Lindsay Berra: [00:56:11] Thank you guys so much for having me, really.
Kelly: [00:56:19] Thank you for listening to The Ready State Podcast. If you like what you’re hearing, check out all our episodes here or at And be sure to subscribe or leave a review on iTunes to help others find our show.
Juliet: [00:56:30] Check us out and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @thereadystate.
Kelly: [00:56:35] Until next time, cheers everyone.
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