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  • AvatarSharad Thankappan

    I had a very painful struggle with knotted muscles along both scapula mostly when laying on my back or sitting against the back o a chair or car seat. I tried many things and finally I talked to my wonderful Dr. McNaughton and he said I want you to take Prilosec for 4 weeks. I looked at him dumbfounded and said “what? I don’t have indigestion and I eat all kinds of foods!” He explain to me that I may have irritation in me esophagus near my stomach and that is close to a nerve center.
    So I went away very skeptical but because he had saved my life four years earlier (he diagnosed an aortic dissection) and my back hurt so bad that I couldn’t sleep I decided to take the Prilosec and after just a couple days I began to feel better. After 4 weeks the pain was mostly gone so I went a couple more weeks and the knots shrunk but have not gone completely away and the pain is minimal. For the past month I have been sleeping with my torso elevated and have had very little pain. Dr. McNaughton says we’ll just have to keep monitoring it and go back to the Prilosec if need be. Crazy! But true!

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