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  • in reply to: Bruising #73915
    AvatarKrista Foulke

    Thank you so much for your help and insights! I really appreciate it!

    Not being relaxed may be a big concern. I´ll try to keep that in mind, next time I´m smashing.
    And beside that I spend around 10min on leg (I thought, I heard Kelly recommending it in one of his videos), which may have been too much.

    Regarding flossing: I use an old bike innertube. Will that be sufficient? And how often would you recommend doing it?

    Are there some other ways to get the stiffness out of my quads? E.g. couch stretches? And if so, what can I do if I have problems getting my torso upright?

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Left anterior interior chain pattern?!?! Need help! #73505
    AvatarKrista Foulke

    Thanks, Kaitlin for your help!

    The osteopath manually fixed my coccyx and pelvis (which was internally rotated). She said that there is little I could do myself. She thinks that the problems are more organic (small intestine, liver, gallbladder).

    The physio said that my psoas, illiacus and hip flexors in general are tight, so I should stretch them. I should also work on strengthening my hamstrings (especially left side) and my adductors. But he also pointed out that I should work on my “breathing mechanism” – maybe that´s what you refered to when you mentioned the diaphragm.
    I guess, doing the “global gut smash” would be a start. Is there something I need to pay attention to in regard not to do any harm?

    When I´m doing the couch stretch with my left leg on the wall, I have an impinged feeling in front of the hip. Is this the sign this stretch needs more attention? Or should I do some smashing, distracting beforehand?

    Thanks again!!

    in reply to: Head of fibular – knee and calf pain #72885
    AvatarKrista Foulke

    Hey Kaitlin,

    thanks for the help and all the links.

    I´ll try to get my mobility work in daily. Especially on the psoas and QL.

    I´ve just seen an osteopath and she found out that I have an coccyx dysfunction, probably caused by a trauma years ago. All the muscles around my pelvis are tightened up. She will now work on getting that “thing” back to were it belongs…

    I also noticed that I have a severe “butt wink” while squatting.

    Do you have any more hints and tipps what I could do myself to deal with that?

    Thanks again!!!

    in reply to: Head of fibular – knee and calf pain #72795
    AvatarKrista Foulke

    Thanks for your answer!

    I´ve looked at the suggested episodes (I´m also a pro user) and I tried to smash, mobilize my calfs, quads, IT band. But it didn´t change much (it was better for a short periode of time, but with practice and working out, pain reoccured…)

    I have seen a manual therapist and he said that all the problems originate in my back/hip. He especially pointed out that I need to stretch my iliopsoas and put some heat on my stomache as often as possible.

    So I guess I need to work on my butt, QL, psoas, illiacus?! What do you think? Can I do any harm, smashing my psoas too often (that´s what he said)?

    Thanks again!!!

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