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  • AvatarJacob Phillips

    Thanks Brian!! I am starting to think that is the case, that a wider squatting style is better for my hip structure, as far as the hip pinch, even wrapping a band to do distractions like i was just doing causes a sharp pinch in the front of the hip, I will check this article out you posted and try to get that cleared up.  Mike, when I am doing a wider squat I am able to keep my shins almost straight up and down (I cannot when doing closer stance squats), although with Oly shoes I do let them track a little over my feet, as far as tight adductors go, no they are not the worse I have ever seen but they do need work, I did some of the adductor bar smash like kelly did in his video post today and it about made me pass out!! When laying on the floor on my back and legs as straight up as possible I can drop my legs to about 45 degrees above the floor, kind of mimicking what kelly did in one of his videos but he did the adductor stretch up against the wall. (hope that wasn’t too jumbled).  My left side is noticeably better in adductor flexibility than the right, so im sure they are all linked together, the right side is where all the problems are, IR in hip flexion, adductor, hip flexor, and even harder time with glute activation and control.

    AvatarJacob Phillips

    Thanks!!  I do now squat with Oly shoes, and like you it has helped, although I still wink with a narrower stance, I do have terrible adductor flexibility.  I believe I can squat pretty well just doing air, and really good doing goblet or light front squats.

    AvatarJacob Phillips

    I have been doing a lot of the hip distraction work for sometimes up to like 20-30 minutes before I squat, which helps but does not stop the butt wink.

    Sorry I keep adding extra thoughts
    AvatarJacob Phillips

    I also have a pinch in the front of my right hip with squatting!!!  Pretty uncomfortable! 

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