The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Voodoo wrapping shoulder without superfriend?

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    • #70233
      AvatarKyle Rota

      Anyone able to wrap their own shoulders tight with a voodoo band? I find it hard to wrap it with tension myself, but maybe some one has some secret jiu jitsu technique for self wrapping this joint?

    • #72066
      AvatarPara Rescue

      I have a similar issue… haven’t found the best way to wrap it myself… 

    • #72070
      AvatarLevi Mező

      That feel when no super friend 🙁 

      Im going to try and experiment involving valcro 
      will post up results 
    • #72073
      AvatarKatherine Amos

      I wrap around the first time loosely then get it tight after that

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