The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Trail running/new shoes/tight knee


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    • #70999
      AvatarChris Dwan

      So, I did a 7 mile trail run in shoes I have never worn. My feet ached, my hip flexors burned and the next day my rigjt knee was tight, mostly in the back of my knee. No swelling or heat or clicking. Chiro says tib/fib joint. Stretching my calves seems to irritate it. Advice please!

    • #74846

      Sounds like you did too much all at once.
      Had you been running before this workout?
      That distance in a new pair of shoes was probably too much.
      Have you had anyone look at your running mechanics?
      Have you seen any improvements with what you have been working with?

    • #74847
      AvatarChris Dwan

      I have been running for quite a while. I really think the shoes set it off. I have noticed that there are some super sore spots in my quads and IT area. Been working them out with the lacrosse ball. Hoping that helps. Any advice on self mobilization for the tib/fib joint area?

    • #74849

      It may have been too much distance for the first exposure to new shoes.
      Yeah keeping working with your quad and IT Band areas.

      Pro Episode #5 – Knee Stability and Laxity

    • #74850
      AvatarChris Dwan

      Thank you!

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