Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Tingle / Slight numbness in left foot – Hamstring Tightness

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    • #89160
      Josiah RoncoJosiah Ronco

      Hey everyone,
      I’m looking for some guidance here. I think I jacked up my left hamstring/glute yesterday, at least that has felt like ground zero for tightness and twitching all day. Anyways, I have noticed most of the day today my left foot has felt sort of tingly/numb, like a minor version of when you sleep weird on your arm and the whole thing “falls asleep”. I haven’t been in pain today although it took some seriously deep breathing at the beginning of the day to be able to walk normally and stand up straight. I started working through the pain prescription videos for hamstring last night. I wouldn’t say I am in pain, I was able to do my job today (which is very physical) but the slight numb/tingly feeling in my left foot all day weirded me out as I have never experienced that before. In general the more I move the better I feel, laying down or sitting is quite uncomfortable. Would love and appreciate any of ya’lls input. Thanks!

    • #89190
      Kaitlin LyonsKaitlin Lyons

      I’d recommend getting checked out. Numbness and tingly which is persisting and new needs attention.

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