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    • #71665
      AvatarRodolfo Morales

      I recently was referred a stroke patient to train by Physical therapy and cardiac rehab. I am very into mobility work, foam rolling and vodoo flossing. I came up with the idea to roll out his right calf with the battle saw. He really enjoys this and says he slept like a baby that night. We are doing things like right side step ups to left arm bicep curl to et both sides of the body working together. What are your thoughts on foam rolling his tight areas to bring blood flow to the stiff muscles and vodoo flossing the lags to help with muscle recovery?

    • #76529
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Follow the doctor’s instructions.
      If your client is cleared medically have at it.

    • #76536
      AvatarRodolfo Morales

      Thank you! I have been doing banded stretching with him to help with flexibility as well. What are your thoughts on this?

    • #76537
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Yes, flossing with a band is great.

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