The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Stress fracture from training in the Army

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    • #71202
      AvatarJeff Jucha

      My brother in law is in the Ranger program but has been dealing with a stress fracture for over a year. Intially he was put on leave for a month and had some PT that helped but once he started up again he developed pain in the lower right Tibia. Positive for a stress fracture on x-ray and started some more PT with an US bone stimulator.  Has leave for 1 month but when he goes back he has to finish Ranger program or he will be discharged on medical.  Lots of running in military boots and rucking with heavy pack. Any suggestions?

    • #75515

      Has anyone taken a look at his running mechanics?
      A deviation in technique may be the cause of the stress fracture.
      The stress fracture returned after the time off because the cause of the stress fracture is still there.
      Video taping will help him see exactly what he is doing vs what it feels like he is doing.

    • #75523
      AvatarJeff Jucha

      I agree Kaitlin,  I wish I was there with him but he is in Tennessee and I am in New Mexico.  Do you know any way to look up a good PT/therapist he could be evaluated by in Murfreesboro, TN(by Nashville)? 

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