The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Squat form versus Starting Strength

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    • #70363
      AvatarSteven Lawrence

      I just picked up Becoming a Supple Leopard and the squat form listed is different from what I learned in my Starting Strength days of training.  This post is not intended to defend either ideology, merely for clarification purposes.  I intended to post of the Starting Strength forum in order to see the response to this question as well.

      In SS, the foot should be at a 30 degree angle facing out so that at the bottom of the movement, the knee is in alignment with the leg and foot.  The purpose of which is to protect the knee.  In Starrett’s book, he states that having the foot turned outward causes loss in torque and stability, which in turn causes ACL tears down the line from losing force through the hips (the ACL tear is not necessarily associated with the squat, but more athletic performance movements).  Now, from the Monster Squat test that he lists on page 65, it shows how turning your feet out keeps you from driving your kees out at the bottom of the movement.  Are you protecting the knee when your feet are parallel with this movement?  Are knee problems associated with the squat due to not driving the knee out enough?  Having them drive forward beyond the foot?  

      I also have a question regarding hip stability from injury.  I dislocated my left hip when I was 17 playing football and now it is really starting to give me problems (now 32).  My left hip has piriformis issues and my right is overly tight due to years of compensation.  Should I stop using core movements such as the squat and deadlift?  I probably have poor form in some regard that I am not noticing.  I use foam roller and lacrosse ball daily on that area.  What would anyone suggest?
    • #72491
      AvatarSteven Lawrence

      I just found a thread asking the same question so I apologize for the redundancy.

    • #72718
      Avatar[email protected]

      A link to the other thread would be nice…

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