Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Sitting and internal rotation of leg

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    • #71586
      AvatarChris Janeway

      What muscles become affected by the action of sitting?
      – what becomes tight?

      – what becomes loose?
      Again; what muscles control internal rotation of the leg whilst in flexion?
      I am trying to build up an idea of bettering the issues I have from sitting for long periods of the day and also to improve my I.R in flexion.
    • #76362
      AvatarKatie Hemphill

      Hey Connor, 

      Speaking generally, in sitting your hip flexors (iliacus, psoas, TFL) are shortened and your glutes are lengthened.
      That doesn’t paint a full picture. Some of it will depend on how you sit, too. For example, if you sit with your knees splayed out wide you’ll probably find that your hip external rotators (glute med, etc.) become short and stiff, which could go hand in hand with your internal rotation deficit.
      According to this article by Donald Neumann (2010), hip flexion is when the muscles that generate hip internal rotation work their best. These would be the anterior fibres of the glute med and glute min and the TFL.
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