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    • #71274
      AvatarRoxanne Oda

      Hey guys. I’m been having some problems in my shoulders, mainly my left. It’s been hurting when I do snatches or OHS. I haven’t had anyone look at it but it feels and sounds like some bicep tendinitis from the people I have talked to. It always kills when I do any internal rotation, like sumo deadlift high pulls or stuff like that. I’ve been working on my chest, t-spine, and traps to help but resting it has done the best for it. Any info on what could be the cause?

      I have a video here of me doing some OHS, only takes about 20 seconds to watch but i’ve noticed that one shoulder is closer to my head than the other, which would make sense to why my left shoulder hurts more. What mobility would i need to attack to fix this problem? Please any help would be awesome! 
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