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    • #70995
      AvatarErin Kaminsky

      Hello to all,
      I’m having some discomfort when stretching my hips (the right is the more painful & the hip is very tight) Say in the seated executive position or when using a surface like a table.

      It feels like my fibula is going to snap, when I place my foot back to the ground it takes me several seconds to do this. What is causing this? General tightness in the leg?

      Also how is best to prevent this without stopping the hip stretching. Thanks

    • #74860

      This is usually the result of excessive repetitive forces during standing and walking.
      Have you addressed your feet or ankle at all?
      Some tighness etc in these areas can increase the force that the peroneal tendons are exposed to.
      This situation needs to be resolved for the tissues to heal.
      What is your foot position when walking or standing?
      What are the sliding surfaces like in this area?
      Have you voodoo flossed your ankle at all?

    • #74870
      AvatarErin Kaminsky

      When I work I’m pretty much stood up for 11 hrs straight.

      I am working on ankles & heel cords (my heel cords randomly started to really hurt the other day) with mobility & compression.

      Feet wise I’m trying to stay organised as possible throughout the day. Not always easy when it’s 4am & I’ve been up over 20+ hours. But I am trying to keep posture/feet on point. Also smashing my calves with the rumble roller as these are disgusting right now.

    • #74871
      AvatarErin Kaminsky

      For sliding surfaces on my feet/ankles is actually very good. Heel cords however it’s
      Pretty much nonexistent

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