The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Pelvis torsion? left side pelvis forward? left leg shorter?

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    • #71180
      AvatarHelen Seville

      What is the usual fix for pelvic torsion, if the pelvis leftside is forward and right, is backwards the left leg would be shorter?

      Left side

      Left hamstring becomes tighter
      Left hip becomes more flexible mainly but not the psoas
      Left glute max inhibits/weakens
      QL tigther (strong adhesions they are hard to break up
      Erector spinae become tighter (strong adhesions they are hard to break up

      Right side

      Left hamstring more flexible
      More msucle mass in Quad and Glute max
      Right hip tighter ( illacus, rectus femus
      activated, stronger glute max
      When walking heel strike is noticeable and blisters occur, trainers also created a hole/dent in the heel

      Does that sound about right when there is pelvis torsion?

    • #75460
      Avatar[email protected]

      I am not an expert, but I may be dealing with the same issue but on the opposite side.  My right side is twisted forward and thus my left side is twisted back.   

      I am attributing my issue with a tight T-spine (on right side) and internally rotated shoulders   That translates to a tight  Rightside QL, which might be the main problem and thus leads to the list below.  
      Left side (back story with me is I think I have a hernia in my left quad) I would imagine that I would have compensation issues with it but Roop and the gang don’t think so.
      Left hamstring becomes tighter
      Left hip SEEMS more flexible especially with knee tracking on outside of pinky toe, however, my left side external rotation is lacking.
      Left glute max inhibits/weakens as well.  
      QL is not as tight as my right side
      Erector spinae seems pretty clean for me, I can have a peanut with a 45lb plate without any pain.  
      Right side
      Right hamstring more flexible
      More muscle mass in Quad and glute max
      Right hip is tighter.  I can’t speak for my illacus, but I do gut smash with the supernova and then put lacrosse ball on ql.
      Activated, stronger glute max as well.
      I don’t heel strike mainly because I am very light and careful on my feet.  
    • #75461
      AvatarHelen Seville

      Do you happen to have a shorter leg and if so what leg?

      I’m just having a guess to what side mine is.. I found out either my left side is forward or back, due to a bike fit I had and it was picked up in the retul bike fit

      Im going to have a guess if the pelvis is twisted, left side back, right side forward, the reason why its hard to activate the left glute is because its stuck back, when we force the left side to even up the glute has to activate, it just takes longer to get the nerves to recognize the pattern

      But your right QL is tighter, whereas my left side is tigther.. but could be some other dysfunction you or me have..
      The reason for my erectors are due to cycling, with the flexion probably what irriates the QL and made it tighter.. I am hypermobile i can flex and extend my back alot I can do the limbo at a low level probably 60-75 degrees of extension same with flexion.

    • #75462
      AvatarHelen Seville

      The side that is backwards would be the shorter leg? This is why my QL could become tighter but it doesn’t answer yours

    • #75466
      AvatarHelen Seville


    • #75497
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    • #75508
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