Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Painful Burning/Stretching (hip?) in Squat & Sumo Deadlift

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    • #71737
      AvatarAUSTIN CAROE

      Hey everyone,

      I’m completely new to mobility and I’ve been experiencing this really intense burn/sting at the bottom of my squat and when I’m initiating my sumo pull…usually just with heavier weights.  I have tried to research and the best I could come up with is that my hip flexors are jacked up, so most of the videos I try to watch are hip flexor related (breaking up the flexor wad, couch stretch, some internal rotation band work). 

      Am I on the right track?  Any comments or suggestions would be really appreciated…

    • #76805
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Welcome Matt–
      Are you seeing improvements with the work you are doing?
      Does your technique/movement pattern change with heavier weights?

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