The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Order of distraction/stretching vs smash/flossing

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    • #70234
      AvatarKyle Rota

      It seems Kelly’s techniques can be roughly grouped into more distraction/stretching (like with a band) and smashing/flassing (like with a ball). I’m curious, is one type better to do before the other? ie should I lacrosse ball smash my shoulders and hips first, or distract them with a band to various end ranges first? 

    • #72065
      AvatarPara Rescue

      I believe you should be doing the band distractions first.  He has said it opens up more tissues to smash and floss

    • #72171
      AvatarKay Heil

      it’s probably good to smash before and after.  Smash to break up tissue to floss more range and smash again to suffer more I guess. Not sure the science or logical rational for smashing after flossing.

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