The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Neck Locked up after Horrible night sleep

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    • #70739
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      This goes back to Christmas Eve. I slept on a pillow that was not mine at a relatives house and woke up pretty much locked up on the right side of my neck. I went to a chrio right away, thank god, and got it popped. But the issue has not gone away. I have watched all the videos from Jill and Kelly on getting the tissues moving. I have been using a heating pad any chance I get, which does help but, this is gone on for far too long. I haven’t touched a barbell or plate in 2 WEEKS. I even got a deep tissue massage last Saturday that hurt like hell. But there is a knot just off the medial side of my right scap on the right side that is SUPER tendor. Clearly the two are related. Does anyone have pointers moving forward. I am forcing myself to go through complete ROM. Looking down and to the right makes things flare up and looking straight up flares up BIG TIME. 

    • #73884

      Sounds like there is something more going on.
      Were you given anything to do following the massage?
      Have you addressed the Rhomboids? They originate on the spinal column and attach to the middle (medial) surface of the scapula.
      What about trigger points?
      There are some great resources and videos on the Network Fitness site

    • #73886
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      The massage therapist said that my traps were the main issue, meaning they were the most tight. He definitely did a good job at loosening those up. I can honestly say that I did not do anything while lifting that pulled a muscle or caused some strain. The trigger point off the medial side of my scap is what doesn’t make sense. Looking straight up or down all the way causing the muscle behind my right ear to flare up. The SCM along the side of my neck has also been very tight but is no where near as bad today. 

    • #73887

      Are you addressing your traps?
      You don’t need to have a pulled muscle or strain to address an area.
      You need to look up/down stream of issue. Where you see the issue isn’t necessarily where the issue originates.

    • #73888
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      Absolutely. I have my girlfriend ( she’s a saint for this ) massage my traps each night. She is also the one that discovered the very tender spot just off the side of my scap. I also been rolling and using the Jill Miller’s Yoga tune up balls on the area, I will use the metal support beams in the basement and get in the football stance with my weight driving into the trap then taking my arm through ROM. I will also but the barbell on my trap and go through ROM. 

    • #73913
      AvatarJustin LaRoche

      Just found pro episode #18 and that does a great job at highlighting my issue. Time to get to work on fixing this issue !

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