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    • #2138092

      Hi Team,

      My mom is 65 years old and was recently diagnosed with moderate to severe osteopenia. She exercises 4 times a week with long walks, bodyweight squats and lunges. She said she takes the required amount of calcium for a 65 year old woman, 2000 IU’s of vitamin D but is still going downhill with her diagnosis. She also has a pacemaker and gets easily winded. Any ideas on what she can try next? I don’t have a lot of insight into her daily diet, but I’m guessing she’s like most and is not getting adequate protein or fruits/veggies. She also probably does not sleep 7-8+ hours a night, due to my dad’s unaddressed snoring. Maybe TMI, but I wanted to share all the details I had.

      Thank you!

    • #2142258
      AvatarTravis Jewett


      Those are good things to know. If she wants to get better, dad better get on board about fixing his issue so they can both get adequate sleep.

      Yes, protein is extremely important for women in particular as they age. Even if that means she has to use supplements. Protein utilization mechanisms in the body become more difficult to trigger as we age, so she has to have even more than she thinks, probably close to 1.5g per kg of bodyweight.

      The squats and lunges have to be loaded beyond bodyweight to trigger bone growth mechanisms. Rucking is also a good option, just a weighted back pack with like 10-20lbs. Even some ankle hops are great, think jumping rope but without the rope.

      Travis Jewett
      TRS Coaching Staff

    • #2142732

      Very helpful. Thank you Coach Travis.

      Also, loved Dad Strong – thank you for writing it.

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