Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Marc Pro Plus after surgery

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  • Author
    • #71676
      AvatarCharlie Hobbs

      Hi All,
      I recently watched a video of Mr Starrett advocating using the Marc pro in order to manage inflammation immediately post surgery. I am having shoulder surgery at the end of this month and I do already own a Marc pro plus. I was wondering if anyone would have an idea of what the best pad placement would be for this location as I can’t really place them upstream of the injury. Would I just place them below the injured site, like the forearm? Thank you for the help!

    • #76555
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Have you spoken with your doctor about it?

      Pad placement would depend on a few aspects.
      Placement of what you are having done, where on the shoulder, what else is impacted.
      These determine where you go next.

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