The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Lumbar L side back pain and sciatica pain

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    • #70620
      AvatarMeghan Beck

      Hello everyone , new to the community.

      So here is my problem. I have been having lumbar pain on L side and sciatica pain that shoots down to my calf and begins to wrap around my calf to the anterior side. I have been seeing the chiropractor and been getting massages for the last 2 months roughly. Pain when I stand mainly but after I move for a little while it eases up. Bought the book and signed up for pro. I have been hitting the QL (??) on the L side and hitting the glutes on the L side. My super nova is on the way finally. ( looking forward to getting that bad boy in ). Anything else I should be doing ? I have backed off lifts and metcons to try to heal. Still doing some technique work with light weight.


      Any other advice would be apprecitated

    • #73324
      AvatarNathan Richer

      You may want to get to someone who can prescribe an MRI of your spine and make sure it isn’t a disc pressing out to your spinal cord. Your symptoms are typical of that.  Did your chiro do that for you and rule out disc problems?  

      And if it’s that, you definitely don’t want to blow out your disc by more lifting – probably just needs time to heal – took me 9 months to get back into pain free action from some partially herniated discs.
      Otherwise, massaging of tightened muscles will help alleviate pain…
    • #73325
      AvatarMeghan Beck

      Not yet. He has mentioned that in the last week or so. Only problem is that I have not met my deductible and its fixing to start over. If it is not better by the first of he year the that’s the path we are going to take. We did talk and we both think it is muscle. He said that normally if it is a disk problem I should be having pain when I sit. I don’t have pain though when sitting. I believe I may have been going after my QL’s in the wrong location though. I think I may have been a little to lateral of the spine so I’m going to work a little more medial to the spine. Mobility work does seem to help so I’m hoping that it is just muscle.

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