The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Back Lower Back/Glute/High Hamstring Discomfort

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    • #71593
      AvatarMichael Garetano

      Hi Guys

       Just wondering if anybody could help me with this problem, i can squat full depth still but everything form low hang (Clean and Snatch) uncomfortable. i believe  it tight hamstring causing my problem. stretching isn’t the answer. wondering if anybody has specific stretchs or movements the could loosen these area up.
      Cheers Mike 
    • #76374
      AvatarKeith Broussard

      As far as your squat goes have someone watch you or video yourself watch for any spinal reversal. Just keep yourself honest in this area.

      Tight hamstrings can be a motor control issue. If you have someone around that can check your active straight leg raise (FMS) and toe touch. If you can easily touch your toes with a rounded back but score poorly on active straight leg raise its not in your hamstrings. Chances are that your hamstrings are getting tight as a protective mechanism. They may also get tight as a counter to excessive tension in the front of the hip. So keep the anterior chain supple as well.

      Work on setting your hips back a little more and play around with your hip hinge movement. Dan John and Gray Cook have good stuff in this area.

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