Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Shoulder Last bits of shoulder pain

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    • #2186345
      AvatarGildas Garcia

      I used to have pain (pinching in the front of the shoulder) in my left shoulder whenever I move it overhead, whatever the shoulder rotation was. Thanks to the mobility test and the 14 days overhead challenge, I’m very pleased to say it has almost disappeared. Thanks!

      When I try the overhead mobility test, I now have the right arm touching the floor and able to press. The left arm, which was at around 15cm from the ground before the challenge is now at 1cm. This feels great but I can’t figure out what prevents it to touch the ground.

      The last remaining bit of pain (pinching in the front of the shoulder) happens when I bring my arm overhead from the side with the palm facing down. No pain with the palm facing up nor when bringing it from the front.

      Any chance you can guide me to debug this?

      Thanks again for the awesome app!


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