The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums Lifting Internal rotation while doing pushups

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    • #70224
      AvatarAlex Kerr

      As far as I have understood, the most limiting shoulder ROM in the bottom position of av pushup would be internal rotation, right? But I don’t really understand that. If I lose my external rotation torque in the bottom position, my elbow would flare out to the side and in my opinion default into a more internal rotated position. That would mean that it is the external rotation in combination with extension that would be the limiting factor?! Anybody who understands this better than me and can explain?


    • #72023

      I’m a fairly simple person.. so this is how I diagnose my bench ( pretty close to a pushup )

      If I can’t keep my shoulders in a good position( shoulder back/ get extension ). My shoulder rolls forward and throws my elbow out. Todays Daily Rx kind of exactly explains what is going on with extension and internal rotation.

      I cannot keep my torque If I let my shoulder pop forward. I can if I keep it back. I keep it simple stupid like that.

    • #72026

      Yes, a big limiting factor in shoulder rom is missing internal rotation.
      If you are missing internal rotation you hit bone on bone earlier than you should because it is in the front of the joint capsule. If it is in the front of the joint capsule there will be a limit on full external rotation as well.

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