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    • #70662
      AvatarAndrew Woodruff

      I have this region that’s insanely stiff. It’s basically just there that I feel anything on the spine when I do double-ball work. When I position the balls there I can barely breathe, it feels horrible, and pain is reffering diagonally down towards my glutes. Been lying on it for 10+ minutes, tried weight plates, tried twisting side to side, but nothing happens. I can not get this area to relax.

      Suggestions? I would love to find some sort of passive stretch that I can do daily without much effort.

    • #73542

      Have you looked at anything up/down stream of where you see the issue?
      T-Spine Internal Rotation Smash
      Jill Miller Fixes Your T-Spine and Crappy Breathing Mechanics

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