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    • #71680
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      I’ve been struggling with some hip problems for awhile that causes SI joint pain and some alignment issues everywhere from my knees to my thoracic spine. More or less, my hip doesn’t internally rotate correctly and my physician(s) recommended hip artho to fix the FAI in that hip. However, I’m not 100% convinced that surgery is the answer…yet.

      Most practitioners (along with myself) have stretched and released the living hell out of my psoas and I feel that may be made the problem worse… I was wondering if Kelly has any videos on here on how to active the psoas an strength the core.
    • #76568
      AvatarPatrick Thomas
    • #76575
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      Thanks, I’ll look into these!

      I’ve had some recent success with the high quad stuff and ankle flexion work. My concern is that iv’e stretched/released the heck out of the psoas on the side with the impingement, pulling the hip to the front of the socket when my goal was increase that posterior hip glide and increase my (limited) hip flexion.
      thanks again.
    • #76576
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Have you checked out episodes on hip impingement?
      Or episodes on hip flexion?
      Episode 87: Hip Impingement 2: Band Variation
      Episode 144: Ze Hip Flexion
      Episode 234: Improve Your Proximal Hip Mobility and Nerve Tunnels

      Glute/ham interface may be in impacting factor
      Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

    • #76630
      AvatarMelanie Blair


      Do you have imaging that confirmed you have FAI? If not, I’d check that box first.

      If confirmed, I think you might do well to take a closer look at surgical intervention. The impingement caused by the acetabulum can cause a great deal of damage to the cartilage and the hip labrum. Though soft tissue mobility work and improving motor control can help, if there’s a problem with the architecture of the joint, there’s no exercise that will fix that.

    • #76679
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      Thanks for getting back to me!

      Tim – i had a hip arthogram at my local, academic medical center. I have a sizable CAM and pincer with some damage to the labrum.
      I’m doing my best to improve my admittedly poor body mechanics and found Kelly’s stuff helpful
    • #76712
      AvatarMelanie Blair


      Good to hear the MWOD recommendations are helping. Hang in there, stick with that daily mobility practice, and make sure you’re adding in a regular dose of hip strengthening work to minimize the aggravation in that hip joint!

    • #76718
      AvatarKristi Hogan

      Try getting adhesion removed from the posterior hip capsule and adductor magnus. These two structures affect hip flexion most directly.

    • #76759
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      Thanks everyone!

      At this point, I have the mobility at my hip just not the stability. I still feel like it’s a deep stabilizer issue – it just “turns off” sometime.
    • #76760
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Are you working on stability in the hip?
      Lateral leg raises
      Medial leg raises
      bent leg lateral raises
      single leg tuck
      single leg over hold 20 sec

    • #76766
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      I do some variation of these exercise regularly. The issue i face is – just like my core musculature – my glute (med) just turns off.

      PS: You’re the best Kaitlin!
    • #76767
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Thanks Daniel
      Good to hear you are addressing the stabilization piece.
      Many times cause of glutes shutting off is:
      1. Pain
      2. Position
      3. Lack of use
      Do you have pain?
      Pain can cause the glutes to shut off which then causes greater instability which results in pain.

      Position– Glutes span pelvis to femur so……….alignment of the pelvis and femur, therefore, affects the position,
      length and tension of your gluteal muscles. If these muscles are not in
      an ideal posture, their function will be compromised–sometimes to the
      point that the muscles are not able to contract.

      Anterior pelvic tilt over stretches the glute. There is a connection between this posture and muscle function called the Lower
      Crossed Syndrome.  The hip flexors and back extensors are
      short and tight, while the abdominals and glutes are lengthened and
      The glutes and hip flexors work in opposition. If the hip flexors are excessively tight, they may block the message from ever reaching the glutes leaving them inactive.

    • #76768
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      Pain? Yes. SI / Lower back pain on one side. I also get a fair amount of discomfort and clicking inside my hip. I’ve read all about the typical crossed / APT / “desk bound” syndromes online but I’m not sure that applies to me. I’m more of a PPT and rounded shoulders guy!

      I’ve been to 3 different PTs who have offered only periods of relief. My local academic medical center says a “candidate” for a hip arthroscopy based on my images (MRI) and failures at PT, but I’m unconvinced – I feel that i have achieved periods in which my mechanics are improved, I just can’t maintain them.

      Generally, my bad hip does seem to internal rotate during my gate. I can mobilize-active my glutes and stretch my hip flexor all day, but this issue remains. This brings be back to my original post – could this be an issue with my psoas / deep hip flexors? If it’s inhibited, the stability of my hip has to be affected…

      Some other comments:
      – I pass the thomas test, so theoreitically my hip flexors aren’t tight?
      – one leg isn’t shorter than the other
      – my hamstring tendon snaps around my knee during flexion

    • #76771
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      It’s a system of systems.
      Where you see the issue may not be where it originates.

      Are you seeing improvements with what you are doing to address SI/lower back?
      Not following what PPT is.

      What is your trunk organization like?
      Have you addressed your gait?
      Have you addressed your psoas and/or hip flexors?
      Have you addressed your hamstring?

      Pro Episode # 21 – Pro-User Request Friday: Not Seeing The Change? You Need a Systems Approach.

    • #76774
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      ppt = posterior pelvic tilt

    • #76803
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Posterior pelvic tilt  disrupts the muscle balance in our body and can cause posture problems and back pain.
      Are you correcting your gait?
      Are you addressing your posture when sitting and standing?
      These need to be corrected for lasting improvement.

      Are you addressing your hamstring snapping around your knee?

      There are several exercises and programs you can follow to strengthen the core. Using a variety of exercises is key to address different parts and the whole.

      Gluteus Maximus is most likely tight.

    • #76809
      AvatarCecilia Yee

      Thanks again Kaitlin!

      The gait is the issue i struggle with most. Days when my back/hip hurt, Under load (walking) my hip extension and hip IR going to hell. I just can’t pivot thru and drop my hip back. This causes my pelvis to tuck on that side and twisting me out of alignment. Maybe this is all from the FAI on that hip, who knows!
      I’m lucky to have a mwod practitioner in town and hope to get an appointment with him the in next month before I reconsider surgery.
    • #76812
      AvatarPatrick Thomas

      Have you worked with anyone to begin correcting your gait, improving mobility etc.?
      Need to get started to begin to get the situation under control.

    • #77252
      AvatarBrian Beeson

      Hi Daniel, were you able to resolve your issue, i know these posts were from a while ago, but I am having the same exact problems and would love to hear what you have done since. thanks!

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