The Ready State: Mobility Training with Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General How to Fix internally rotated femurs

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    • #70951
      AvatarErik Holt

      After watching Pro Episode # 38 – MWod Pro-User Request Friday: Femurs Straight, But Feet Ducked? The MWOD Approach

      I realize I have exactly this problem. My right foot turns out to compensate for my internally rotated right femur. How I would go about fixing this?
      After doing the couch stretch and super couch, I still feel imbalanced when setting up for a sumo dead, with my right foot wanting to turn out more and I feel discomfort in my ankle and knee if I make it symmetrical to my left foot angle.
      What kind of mobility and soft tissue work should I do?
    • #74675
      AvatarDawn Golden

      Body workers call it log roll. Rotate your leg in grip your leg top to bottom rotate your leg out resist moment with hands

    • #74691
      AvatarBailey Martinez

      Try this mulligan technique:

      Also, make sure that you’re engaging the muscles in the foot properly – this can impact the alignment between the tibia and the femur, which in essence can create internal rotation of the femur (or external rotation of the tibia – they’re both essentially the same thing).

      Hit up that popliteus with some love and focus on not only ankle ROM but muscular engagement when moving through the ankle ROM.

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