Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip pain when extending legs sideways

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    • #71021


      I have limited range of motion in my hips. When I extend either leg sideways, or outwards, I don’t get far before I get pain in the outside of my hip, round about where the femur goes in. For example when trying to do side splits or a Muay Thai kick. I have been working on flexibility in the hip area for sometime now. Groin/adductors still a little tight but increased flexibility is not improving this issue.

      Can anyone offer any suggestions?


    • #74926

      Sounds like you need to set your hip to the back of the socket.
      Other aspects to work on.
      Episode 132: You’ve got to fix your abduction
      Episode 14: Celebrity Goat Death Match: Chris Spealer

    • #74927
      AvatarNathan Richer

      It sounds like to me that banded distraction mobs may be good for you as the joint may be tight up in the socket, and getting the tissues to relax and let the joint move would be a good thing.

      try the banded distraction mobs shown here.

      if you have Becoming a Supple Leopard, try these:

      hip capsule external rotation and internal rotation with banded distraction
      single leg flexion on box and on ground with banded distraction

      also do you know the ballerina stretch on a high surface? do that, but loop a band around the upper leg and step on the other end of the band with the down leg to give distraction tension downward, as you execute the ballerina stretch.
    • #74939

      Thanks for these guys. I have tried a few of the banded distractions and it kinda feels right! With the band I can get into positions with no pain that would normally cause pain – the ballerina stretch for example. I will continue to work on these over the next few days.

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