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    • #2182997
      AvatarMichael Reffit

      I am a 38 years old and practice BJJ. Good “guard” players are able to 1) pull their knees to their chest without their hips lifting off the ground and 2)pummel their feet side to side.

      What programming do you recommend to improve these movements? What are realistic expectations for myself? Is this range of motion possible/accessible for majority of 38 year old men?

      1) https://bjjuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Knees-close-to-chest-2-BJJ-768×537.jpg
      2) https://www.jujiclub.com/cdn/shop/products/[email protected]?v=1656098705

    • #2362145
      AvatarTim Roberts

      I just randomly saw this and thought I’d contribute. When I tried BJJ out for a few months I’d always get compliments about my mobility. I’d recommend a daily/nightly floor sitting routine and among the positions include pulling your knee to your chest in various positions – while sitting on your butt and/or while laying on your back both legs at once or one at a time. Can also do in a half kneel. Implement TRS’ contract relax technique. Can also play around with this: https://youtu.be/cZ3q7Hx5nYo?si=bvy69FOr7IU0VkOU starting with a bent leg knee at chest and then straightening the leg.
      Hope this helps.

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