Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Hip external rotation while walking?

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    • #71427
      AvatarMike Horn

      From having read BASL, I’m familiar with how to create torque via hip external rotation while standing, thus bringing up the foot arch. But how does one do this while walking? Do you fire the hip external rotation function and screw the foot into the ground the instant the foot touches the ground? Seems if you do this while the foot is in the air, you’ll land the foot pointed out instead of straight ahead.

    • #76171
      AvatarRyan Flatley

      Hi jsq, 

      I help people solve this problem everyday in my practice. The key is to improve your hip capsular mobility and soft tissue extensibility in the position of hip extension with internal rotation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkzFT6rRMhQ) and then reinforce that shape with some neuromuscular re-education as  seen in the video. Then obsess over this mobility practice for about 20 hrs and you will begin to see that your gait will become more natural with the “feet straight” position. The key is to remember to keep your feet straight when you walk. 
      Mike Caisse, PT, DPT, Movement Specialist, Mobility Certified Specialist, Crossfit L-1 Coach
    • #76175
      AvatarMike Horn

      Mike, I understand the hip extension mobilization that Kelly is demonstrating, but not sure I understand the position you suggest mobilizing in – hip extension with internal rotation. Would a good mobilization for that be a kneeling ‘couch’ stretch with the lower leg (of the rear leg) rotated outward?

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