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    • #71036
      AvatarKevan Todd

      i have been diagnosed with bursitis over the greater trochanter (hip) I have tried everything under the sun to give me relief, PT, acupuncture, chiropractor, stretching, but will not go away. Anyone else have chronic pain like this?

    • #74994
      AvatarCam Oyler

      Yup. Had it for months. Crossfitted for years with no problems. Began training strictly Olympic weightlifting and it popped up. I recently picked up Mobilty WODs supernova and battlestar kit. Dedicating time on those things has seemed to calm it down a bit. In the last couple days, I have been trying KT tape and it has been feeling better. Granted I am coming off a two week taper/deload so I expect the combination of all of that has helped.

      I expect it to go away in time. I just figure it will take a long time. If I stopped squatting for a while I bet it would calm down quicker but that is really not an option.

    • #74996
      AvatarRosalie Timmerman


      I had the exact same thing and nothing was helping.  I scheduled an appointment with Kelly.  I remember limping in to see him and walking out just fine.  I actually worked out that night pain free.  Here is what worked for me: 1. Hip glute smash, 2. Banded Hip Extension, 3. Couch stretch.  He put me in each position and I was under the impression I had a high pain threshold.  I was sweating and ready to tapp in all of 15 secs but I stay for atleast 2:00 minutes.  I felt better right after the drills and I continued to do them on my own.  When my doctor called me to see if I needed anything for pain I told him I was good.  No more issues now.  Good luck.

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