Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General heellpppp shin splints!!!!

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    • #71398
      AvatarMatthew Rieger

      off/on since march. i roll, stretch, ice, compress, rest…repeat! they keep coming back! i’m not a runner at all, the guilty culprit seems to be double unders, which is odd because i have a smooth technique. the pain ‘dominoes’ into the effect of being unable to perform other movements, such as box jumps, burpees, and even movements that require NO impact, such as squatting. any advice will be appreciated. have been to the ortho 3 times….nobody seems to be able to help, other than to say stop doing what im doing.

    • #76072
      AvatarNathan Richer
    • #76074

      Has anyone taken a look at your running technique?
      This maybe where the issue starts.
      It keeps showing up because the cause is still present.

      Double unders are your heels lightly touching the ground?
      I would recommend stop icing

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