Daily Mobility Exercises by Dr. Kelly Starrett Forums General Elbow pain caused by…Shoulder… Diaphragm

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    • #71280
      AvatarJustin Rider

      Hello quick question since I could make this a long drawn out thing. But my left elbow outside (lateral epicondylitis) and bicep near the crease gets real inflamed when doing certain movements? (to note my bicep on that side is closer to the crease then my other one) could just be genetic or something with the tendon. It’s all on my left side, so I believe it’s coming from my shoulder since I’ve had issues currently come and go with “costocondritits” whatever just pain in the sternum area. But the mean thing I think is the shoulder maybe even the diaphragm since on that side it’s tough to get a full breath in on that side feels like it’s hard to breathe deep idk. But any help with the elbow. Done voodoo the elbow and shoulder lacrosse bicep and tricep and forearm.. Anything else? Even do lower ribs where lower trap are. Any tips thanks guys.

    • #75808
      AvatarGeorge McLaney

      If it’s hard to breathe deeply from the diaphragm, don’t just look at the posterior chain. You’d benefit from also smashing your gut on a ball for at least 10 minutes two or three times a week. For me, the Supernova is just the right size but you can use a kids’ ball from Target if you have too. Lay face down and try to create shear by moving across the ball. Contract and relax. Get right up in there along the base of the rib cage, and all the way down to the top of your legs (tip, don’t do this after a big meal or drinking a lot of fluids!). Also hit the obliques with your mobility tool of choice, and then go all the way up the lat seam to the shoulder. Your trunk is the carriage for the breathing mechanism and tightness anywhere impacts your ability to breathe correctly, let alone the havoc soft tissue restriction can wreak on mechanics. Kelly has posted the gut smash over and over in the Daily RX for a reason. Like the couch/super couch it feels uncomfortable, but it may well help fix your issue. 

      I hope this helps!
    • #75967
      AvatarJustin Rider


    • #75969
      AvatarNathan Richer

      this dailyRX from Dr. T is pretty good mini discussion and treatment of the diaphragm:

      yes and try working around the scapula, pecs, shoulder, serratus, lats. make sure also that you have good t-spine mobility. i just found some unknown tightness in my lower pec major (was only smashing the large known area, but missed the lower edge) and some knots in a back lower rib area and rhomboid/trap, as well as in my bicep which i never hit. all these were impacting my left shoulder but i hadn’t worked those areas enough to find the hidden problems, so keep searching with your lacrosse ball or favorite tool up/down stream and all the way to the spine and pelvis.
    • #76005
      AvatarJustin Rider

      yeah still having issues, with the tricep, bicep elbow area :/… roops last class was good. 

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